
New World Aeternum Guide: The Ultimate Guide to Turkulon Terror Event

Di Jessie
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With Thanksgiving approaching, the annual Turkulon Terror event is back in New World: Aeternum. This means it's turkey hunting season again, including the feathered avenger Turkulon. This year's event runs from November 20 to December 4, and you can earn all the rewards from previous events as well as some new ones. Daily rewards reset at 5 AM local time.

Essentially, the Turkulon, will spawn at multiple locations on the map, and all adventurers will work together to defeat it for fun and unique rewards. Besides killing Turkulon daily, you also need to hunt and skin a few regular turkeys each day using the special skinning knife obtained during the event to get more rewards. I'll detail these rewards and the best turkey hunting spots later. Now that let's look at the specific rewards and tasks.

Turkulon Terror Event Rewards Details

Let's look at the fun part—the rewards! You can get many rewards from the giant world boss Turkulon. There's a pity system in place, after killing Turkulon 16 times, you're guaranteed to get all these items. I recommend killing him up to five times a day to maximize your returns.

Turkulon Rewards

•  Turkey Leg Boots Skin: 11% drop chance, gives your character the appearance of wearing turkey legs.

•  Drumstick of Death Flail Skin: 9% drop chance.

•  Grand Gobbler Warhammer Skin: 20% drop chance, perfect for transmog, especially if you like playing characters who love to eat.

•  Turkey Pet: 12% drop chance, a little turkey pet that makes gobble sounds in your house.

•  Turkey Egg Decoration: 9% drop chance, limited to one per week.

•  Feast of Plenty Food Trophy: 7% drop chance, increases the duration of all food effects, saving you a lot of gold in the long run.

•  Massive Turkey Leg: 100% drop chance, limited to five per day, used to craft the top-tier food "Roasted Monstrous Turkey Dinner," which temporarily increases your Constitution and Luck while slowly recovering your health.

Regular Turkey Rewards

1. During the event, all turkeys can drop up to six Diamond Gypsum per day with a 20% drop chance. Additionally, they can drop Turkey Treasure three times a day with a 33% drop chance, which are basically coin sacks you can open for free New World: Aeternum coins every day.

2. Turkeys also have a 20% chance to drop Turkulon's Claw Skinning Knife, limited to one per event. This knife unlocks more daily rewards and can be used even after the event ends. Skinning turkeys with this knife provides extra poultry items like poultry thighs and poultry breasts.

3. You can also get up to five Infused Turkey Coatings per day with a 15% drop chance, which give a major damage boost against Turkulon and a minor boost against other beasts. Additionally, there are Turkey Ward Potions with a 15% drop chance, providing major damage absorption from Turkulon attacks and minor absorption from other beasts. Lastly, Turkey Luck Potions with a 15% drop chance increase the chance of receiving Turkulon drops by 5% for 5 minutes.

4. These potions will no longer be available after the event, so get and use them while you can. You can also get up to six Diamond Gypsum daily from skinning turkeys with this knife, with a 20% drop chance. If you don't want to fight the event boss, you can still get some Turkulon skins by skinning turkeys, such as the Drumstick of Death Flail Skin (19% drop chance) and the Turkey Leg Boots Skin (6% drop chance).

Best Turkey Hunting Spots

Let's look at the best daily turkey hunting spots. First, you can see all the turkey spawn locations in New World on the map below. My favorite area is just outside and around the Restless Shore settlement, but Valor Hold also has a lot of turkeys, or you can choose other locations shown on the map.

Game Icon

To speed things up, you can mount up and run over all the turkeys in the area before circling back to skin them, or use ranged weapons to significantly speed up your grind. Watch out for other players trying to steal your turkey skins, so skin them immediately.

You can start your day by completing the daily turkey hunting tasks to get potions, then head over to challenge Turkulon.

Turkulon Mechanics

Let's look at Turkulon's mechanics. To find its location, look for the icon on the map. If the icon has a pulsating ring around it, the fight has started. Head to the location and help other players defeat it to earn unique event rewards.

This boss is similar to other event bosses, with a lot of HP, requiring many players to take it down. Fortunately, there are usually many players participating during this period. You can type "X turkey" or "X turkon" in recruitment chat to form a group. Once grouped, follow them from one Turkulon spawn point to another until you complete your daily kills.

If you want to get all the rewards quickly, start early in the event, as most players will speedrun it in the first week. In the last few weeks, especially during non-peak hours, there may be fewer players, making kills take longer. However, this also depends on the price of Massive Turkey Legs. If the price is high, more people will do at least five kills daily, even after getting all unique rewards.

During the fight, make sure to use the three potions obtained from skinning regular turkeys, as they will make the process faster and smoother. Note that you need to deal a minimum amount of damage to receive credit for the kill and get your rewards. This is where being in a group helps. If you're struggling to deal damage up close, use ranged weapons to attack from afar, making the process easier.

Turkulon's Major Mechanics

•  Egg Explosion: Turkulon drops eggs while walking, which explode shortly after hitting the ground, dealing massive damage and leaving scorched ground.

•  Laser Beam: At certain points, Turkulon stops and shoots a laser beam from its beak at a random player, dealing tons of damage. If targeted, block as much damage as possible and be ready to use a health potion.

•  Basic Attacks: Includes pecking the ground and jumping to slam the ground. These attacks don't deal massive damage but are minor inconveniences easily healed.

Overall, the fight isn't difficult, especially with many players constantly healing. Just head to Turkulon's location, grind it down, and repeat until you get everything you need.


Turkulon Terror Event Tips

Here are some quick tips and tricks to help you during the event and possibly earn some gold in the long run:

1. Daily Tasks: Hunt enough turkeys daily to get at least three coin sacks and the required gypsum. If you need gypsum, kill Turkulon five times daily. While not necessary, this maximizes profits. If you get tired, stop after 16 world boss kills, as you'll have all unique items by then, and the rest are just account progression items obtainable in other ways.

2. Hoard Items: Save the plentiful items from this event and sell them a few months later when they become scarce and prices rise. This mainly applies to Massive Turkey Legs. Hoard all you get and sell them later when prices increase. Consider whether to sell the legs directly or turn them into Roasted Monstrous Turkey Dinners first, as these usually increase in price over time.

3. Poultry Items: The same goes for poultry thighs and breasts. Many will be obtained using the skinning knife, causing prices to drop. Don't sell them until a few months after the event when prices normalize.

4. Cooking Skill: If your cooking skill isn't maxed, this is a great time. Buy cheap cooking ingredients during the event and use them to max out your cooking skill at a discounted price.

5. Daily Coin Sacks: Get three coin sacks daily from hunting regular turkeys. This is easy free gold that adds up to a lot by the end of the event.

By following these tips, you can maximize your gains during the event and earn more gold in the long run. Hope these tips help!

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