
The Best Ways to Level up PVP Tracks and Get Azoth Salt in New World

Di Jessie
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New World has a rich and diverse PVP system. Players can engage in various PVP activities to earn rewards, such as New World gold, faction tokens, azoth, dark matter, and more. However, two of the most sought-after rewards are PVP XP and Azoth Salt.

PVP XP is the experience that players gain by participating in PVP activities. It is used to level up PVP tracks, which is a new feature introduced in the Rise of the Angry Earth expansion. PVP tracks are similar to battle passes in other games, as they offer a series of rewards that players can unlock by reaching certain milestones. There are four PVP tracks available in New World: Warrior, Mage, Rogue, and Healer. Each track has 50 levels and offers different rewards based on the player's role and playstyle.

Azoth Salt is a currency that players can use to purchase rewards from the PVP tracks. Azoth Salt can only be obtained by doing PVP activities, and it is not tradeable or transferable. Azoth Salt can be used to buy various items from the PVP tracks, such as weapons, armor, mounts, skins, emotes, titles, and more.

Therefore, levelling up PVP tracks and getting Azoth Salt are important goals for many players who enjoy PVP in New World. In this article, we will show you some of the best ways to level up PVP tracks and get Azoth Salt in New World.

New World Guide 2023

Dominating 3v3 Arenas

This is the fastest and most rewarding method, as long as you have a high win rate. 3v3 arenas are a new feature in the Rise of the Angry Earth expansion that allows players to compete in small-scale PVP matches against other teams of three players. The matches are timed and have different objectives based on the map. The team with the most points at the end of the match wins.

Winning a 3v3 arena match will give you 2,500 PVP XP and 1,350 Azoth Salt, while losing will give you 500 PVP XP and 350 Azoth Salt. You can spam 3v3 arenas for an hour and get up to 16,500 PVP XP and 9,350 Azoth Salt. This means that you can level up a PVP track by about 8 levels and buy several items from it with this method.

Doing PVP Missions in Great Cleave

This is a good method for those who prefer a less confrontational approach. The PVP missions in Great Cleave are easy and quick to complete, and they reward you with 1,050 PVP XP and 600 Azoth Salt per set of three missions. You can do about 14 sets of these missions in an hour and get 14,700 PVP XP and 8,400 Azoth Salt. This means that you can level up a PVP track by about 7 levels and buy several items from it with this method.

The reason why Great Cleave is the best zone for doing PVP missions is because it has the shortest distance between the mission locations and the faction board. The missions are also simple and straightforward, such as killing mobs, gathering resources, or delivering items. You can easily finish a set of three missions in less than five minutes.

However, this method also has some risks. First of all, you need to flag yourself for PVP to do these missions, which means that you may encounter other players who may try to kill you or steal your mission objectives. Secondly, you need to have enough influence points to accept these missions. Influence points are earned by doing any activity in a zone while flagged for PVP. Thirdly, you need to have access to Great Cleave, which is a high-level zone that requires level 50 or higher to enter.

Playing Outpost Rush Matches

This is a fun and varied method that offers different rewards based on your performance. Outpost Rush is a 20v20 PVP mode that pits two teams against each other in a battle for control of four outposts and one fort. The matches last for 30 minutes or until one team reaches 1,000 points. The team with the most points at the end of the match wins.

Winning an Outpost Rush match with over 3,000 points will give you 2,500 PVP XP, 2,000 Azoth Salt, and other rewards such as gold, faction tokens, azoth, and dark matter. Losing an Outpost Rush match with over 3,000 points will give you 2,000 PVP XP, 1,000 Azoth Salt, and other rewards. This means that you can level up a PVP track by about 5 levels and buy several items from it with this method.

Capturing Faction Control Points

This is a simple and passive method that can be done for short breaks or while waiting for other activities. Capturing a faction control point will give you 1,100 PVP XP and 300 Azoth Salt. You can capture up to ten points per day before the rewards decrease. This means that you can level up a PVP track by about 2 levels and buy one item from it with this method.

The reason why capturing faction control points is an easy method is because it does not require much time or effort. You just need to go to a point that is controlled by another faction and stand on it for a few seconds until it changes colour. You do not need to fight any mobs or players to capture the point.

Participating in Influence Races

This is a competitive and cooperative method that involves capturing territories for your faction. Participating in an influence race will give you 1,000 PVP XP, 500 Azoth Salt, and 5,000 faction tokens.

An influence race is an event that occurs when two factions are competing for control of a territory. The event lasts for 24 hours or until one faction reaches 100% influence in the territory. The faction that wins the influence race can declare war on the territory and try to take it over from the defending faction.

To participate in an influence race, you need to do PVP missions in the territory while flagged for PVP. Each mission will give you a certain amount of influence based on the difficulty and type of the mission. You can also gain influence by killing enemy players or capturing faction control points in the territory.


These are some of the best ways to level up PVP tracks and get Azoth Salt in New World. You can choose the method that suits your playstyle and preferences. You can also mix and match different methods to keep things interesting and optimize your rewards.

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