
How to Level Up Fast on Any Class in PoE 2

Di Michel Z
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Leveling alternate characters in Path of Exile 2 can be an exciting venture, whether you're experimenting with new builds or aiming for a faster progression through the Acts. With the right strategies, you can streamline the process and make it efficient and enjoyable. RageGamingVideos's guide covers universal tips, essential gear, and optimal setups to help you level up quickly in PoE 2, regardless of your chosen class.



Alt Character Blasting Martial Weapon Trick

Regardless of your class, you can equip any weapon and utilize its skills. One of the most popular—and almost meme-worthy—choices is ranged martial weapons, which offer fantastic damage output.


Why Ranged Weapons?

The reason is that a significant portion of your skill damage is based on your weapon and the flat damage modifiers from your gear. You can easily buy a decent weapon at a minimal cost every 10-20 levels, allowing you to maintain a power spike throughout the campaign with a martial weapon.


Ranged vs. Melee

For smoother gameplay, ranged weapons are generally preferred. While some players opt for bows, crossbows have limited skill options early on. Bows, on the other hand, provide immediate access to skills like Lightning Arrow and Lightning Rod, which excel in both AoE damage and single-target bursts. 

Once you hit level 22, the Gas Arrow skill becomes available, allowing for a simple one-button play style where everything you aim at can be taken down instantly. Coupled with high movement speed from affordable unique items, you can blast through levels effortlessly.


Advantages of Using a Bow

1. Accessibility: Everyone can use bows and their associated skills, regardless of class.

2. Powerful Skills: Skills like Lightning Arrow and Gas Arrow make leveling quick and efficient.

3. Transitioning: As you approach the endgame, you can swap to your preferred weapon setup while completing the Acts.


Other Options

While there are other viable builds, such as the pillar build with a quarterstaff, ranged weapons currently offer the best blasting damage output for any class, especially with some unique items.


Key Requirements for Fast Leveling 

Speed: Move quickly through levels.

One-Button Kills: Your AoE ability should allow you to clear groups of enemies with minimal effort.

Boss Damage: Ensure your setup can take down bosses quickly. 

With these strategies, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the early game and transition into the endgame seamlessly.


Essential Uniques for Fast Leveling

To maximize your leveling speed, consider these unique items:

1. Wanderlust Wrapped Sandals: +20% movement speed from level 1. This is a significant advantage, as you typically won't find such a boost until around Act 3. Having this in Act 1 is a game-changer!

2. Foxshade Quilted Vest: +10% movement speed when on full life.

3. Death Rush Emerald Ring: At level 28, grab the Death Rush Emerald Ring for additional movement speed and skill speed upon killing enemies. 

These three items combined can give you a whopping 40% movement speed while mobbing. 

Keep in mind that any unique items you purchase can be resold later. For instance, if you invest around five Exalt orbs, you can sell these items back once you're done leveling, potentially even for more than you paid! 

These uniques are universal and work regardless of the class or weapon you choose. No matter which alternate character you're leveling, I highly recommend these three items for a smooth leveling experience.


Universal Alt Perks & Tricks

To significantly enhance your leveling experience, one of the simplest yet effective methods is utilizing the Gambler to fill all your item slots. In the early game, this process can feel tedious, but it's crucial for building a solid setup.



At the Gambler, you can purchase items, such as amulets, using gold. If you have a decent amount of PoE gold on hand, this cost is negligible. You might even score a unique item or something valuable to use for your build. There's no reason to leave any slot empty, so it's recommended to spam this as soon as you reach the first town.


Importance of Flat Damage

When selecting gear, focus on flat damage on every piece. Flat damage adds a specific amount to your attacks, making it more impactful than percentage damage increases—especially in the early game when enemies have lower health pools. For instance, equipping a ring that provides flat damage can boost your attack damage from 440 to 499.

By stacking flat damage across your gear, you can clear packs of mobs with just one button press. Look for flat damage on: 

•     Both of your rings

•     Gloves

•     Amulet

•     Weapon

•     Skills and Gems 

Another universal aspect of your setup is the skills you choose. It's essential that all your damaging skills have at least three slots.


Managing Skill Gems

As you progress, you'll accumulate a stock of gems at different levels. For example, if you grab a level 11 skill gem, you can prepare for a skill like Detonating Arrow that requires level 41. This means that as soon as you hit level 41, you can upgrade your main damaging ability without relying on RNG drops.


Achieving a Five-Link Early

To achieve a five-link setup early on, you can use Val Orbs and Jeweler's Orbs. Here's how: 

1. Take a skill gem at your current level.

2. Give it a third slot using a Lesser Jewel Orb.

3. Use a Val Orb to corrupt it, which can unpredictably modify the gem—adding or lowering its level, quality, or a support slot. 

By repeating this process, you can eventually obtain a four-slot gem.


Bow Setup Considerations

Remember that your specific build doesn't limit your options. Focus on anything that boosts your raw attack damage. For skills like Lightning Arrow, it's beneficial to enhance not just projectile damage but also any attributes related to its mechanics, such as attack speed or AoE. You can find these enhancements on your skill tree, further amplifying your damage output.

 How to Level Up Fast on Any Class in PoE 2 p2

Universal Blasting Tips

Here are some general tips for effective blasting while leveling:


Focus on Objectives

When you're mobbing, aim to kill all the monsters in your path, but stay direct in your approach. Always be heading towards an objective, whether it's a side quest or an optional boss for a permanent upgrade.


Efficient Map Clearing

You should never waste time fully clearing a map. Instead, aim to stay within three levels of the zone you're in. This balance is crucial for optimizing your XP gains: 

Avoid Overleveling: If you're too high above the zone level, you'll receive XP penalties, reducing the rewards for your efforts.

Avoid Being Underleveled: Conversely, if you're too low, the mobs will be overly strong and difficult to defeat. 

This approach is very effective for leveling an alternate character. Never fully clear a map; instead, blast through to objectives and complete side activities without slowing down. It's recommended to consistently stay within one level above or below the area level, which will make the process smooth and efficient.


Permanent Stat Bonuses and Skill Point Locations

To maximize your character's potential, you need to complete all side quests that reward skill points and permanent upgrades. Here's a breakdown of key locations and the upgrades you can obtain:


Act 1

1. Beira of the Rotten Pack (Clearfell Encampment): Defeating this optional boss grants 10% increased cold resistance.

2. The Crowbell (Hunting Grounds): Provides 2 passive skill points.

3. The King in the Mists (Freythorn): Rewards you with +30 spirit.

4. Una's Side Quest (Ogham Farmlands ): Another skill point can be obtained here.

5. Fallen Altar (Ogham Manor): Defeating this Candlemass boss in grants +22 maximum life.


Act 2

1. Kabala, Constrictor Queen (Keth): Defeating this side boss rewards you with two skill points.

2. Ancient Vows Quest (Valley of the Titans): Allows you to gain extra charm charges or increased mana recovery. You need to get two relics. One drops in Keth for killing the snake side boss and mobs. The other is found by killing mobs in Bone Pits.

3. Shambrin's Side Quest (Deshar): Upon entering, look for a mount with a body on the ground. Pick up the letter and bring it back to the weapon merchant for 2 skill points.

4. Sisters of Garukhan Shrine (Deshar): Click the statue for a 10% boost to lightning resistance.


Act 3

1. Mighty Silverfist (Jungle Ruins): Defeating the boss grants extra skill points upon defeat.

2. The Slithering Dead Quest (Venom Crypts): Complete the side quest by finding the body for a choice between three stat bonuses: +25% stun threshold, +30% elemental ailment threshold, or +25% mana regeneration.

3. Bog Witch (Azak Bog ): Provides another +30 spirit.

4. Blackjaw the Remnant (Jiquani's Machinarium): A hidden side boss in one of the rooms that grants a fire resistance buff.

5. Heart Sacrifice (Altar in Aggorat ): Sacrifice this for another skill point.


Cruel Acts

After completing all those rewards, you can repeat the process in the Cruel Acts to receive those rewards again.


More Universal Blasting Tips

Here are some additional tips to enhance your blasting experience:


Check Vendors Regularly

Upgrade Gear: Always check the vendors for potential upgrades every time you visit town. You might find gloves with higher flat damage or other beneficial stats.

Movement Speed: If you come across something that provides more than 20% movement speed than the movement speed you have, consider upgrading. Movement speed is crucial for efficient mobbing.


Trade Upgrades Frequently

Level Checkpoints: Aim to trade for upgrades every 10 to 20 levels. Key levels to watch for include levels 11, 21, and 31, but don't overlook potential upgrades around level 28. It's worth checking periodically to ensure your gear doesn't fall behind.


Unlock Ascendancy

First Ascendancy: Unlock your first Ascendancy as soon as possible, typically around level 22.

Second Ascendancy: Progress into Act 2 and complete the Trial of Chaos to obtain your second Ascendancy.

Third and Fourth Ascendancies: These will come later in the endgame, so prioritize unlocking them as quickly as you can.


Bow Setup Guide

If you're using a bow, you're making a great choice! Here's how to optimize your setup for maximum effectiveness.


Recommended Bows

1. Widowhail Crude Bow

Level Requirement: 1

Bonus: Provides a 233% bonus to your equipped quiver's flat damage.


2. Death Harp Dualstring Bow

Level Requirement: 28

Bonus: Offers an extra arrow, allowing you to fire five arrows instead of one, significantly increasing damage output. 

Although Death Harp is more effective due to its additional arrows, Widowhail Crude Bow is more recommended, as you can equip it immediately at level 1.



Look for a good quiver with at least two or, ideally, three flat damage rolls. Additional stats like attack speed or projectile levels are also beneficial.


Skills and Combos

Lightning Arrow + Lightning Rod: Use this powerful combo until you reach level 22. Place a Lightning Rod, fire a Lightning Arrow at the location, and watch the AoE damage spread. If you want to stack a few of these on one spot, you can, and that's how you do boss killing: putting down multiple Lightning Rods on the boss's location, pressing against it, and firing Lightning Arrows to burst them down.


Lightning Arrow Support Gems

Martial Tempo: Increases attack speed.

Close Combat: Grants a 25% boost to attack damage when close to enemies.

Lightning Infusion: Adds a 25% damage increase for lightning damage.


Lightning Rod Support Gems

Scattershot: Places three rods with one use.

Primal Armament: Increases elemental damage.

Concentrated Effect: Enhances damage further for boss encounters.


Herald of Thunder: Provides a persistent buff that enhances your lightning damage and mob clearing efficiency.


Transition to Gas Arrow (Level 22)

At level 22, you can unlock Gas Arrow , which explodes immediately upon firing, dealing significant damage and converting physical damage to fire damage. You will want to combine Gas Arrow with Radiant Grief Lace Hood, as it ignites enemies nearby, triggering the explosion from Gas Arrow for massive damage.


Gas Arrow Support Gems

Martial Tempo: Increases attack speed.

Scattershot: Fires multiple gas clouds.

Primal Armament: Boosts elemental damage.

Immolate: Increases damage by 30% when enemies are ignited. Combined with the Radiant Grief Lace Hood, which constantly causes your enemies to be ignited, the effect will be perfect.


Single Target Damage

Stormcaller Arrow: Use this skill to ensure enemies are shocked, increasing damage taken by 20%. You can support it with Concentrated Effect (for harder hits) and Lightning Infusion (for increased lightning damage).


Herald of Ash: For enhanced AoE fire damage and stronger ignites, improving mobbing efficiency.

Barrage: Allows your next bow attack to repeat twice, maximizing damage output for single targets. You can support this skill with Ingenuity (for better cooldown recovery) and Premeditation (for increased damage).



No matter your class or build, using a bow with Lightning Arrow and Lightning Rod, then transitioning to Gas Arrow with Radiant Grief Lace Hood, will allow you to blast from Act 1 to Act 3 quickly. You'll be well-equipped to tackle the Cruel Acts and transition into your endgame build!


That is how to level up your alternative character quickly in Path of Exile 2. If you find this video helpful, please don't forget to subscribe to RageGamingVideos's channel for more content in the future.


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