
PoE Builds 3.14: Ice Shot Build - Deadeye Ranger

Di Nancy G
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Dear exiles, the Path of Exile build of this week is about Ice Shot Build - Deadeye Ranger. Now let's check it out.


Ice Shot Build Deadeye Ranger cover




Look for these mods on rare items

- Elemental Damage

- Cold Damage

- Projectile Damage

- Added Cold Damage

- Critical Multiplier

- Elemental Damage with Attacks

- Elemental Resistances

- Life

- Intelligence


Mandatory Uniques

Death's Opus Game Icon

- Death's Opus is mandatory because it grants two extra projectiles, a good amount of physical damage, critical chance, and a lot of critical multipliers.


Chin Sol  Game Icon

- Chin Sol is another mandatory bow. You will use this one for big bosses. It grants more than 50% damage at close range.

- Equip this bow as your secondary weapon. When facing bosses, you can press "X" to swap to Chin Sol and destroy them.


Voidfletcher  Game Icon

- These quivers are double mandatory because you need two of them. One is for your Death's Opus, and the other is for your Chin Sol.

- Voidfletcher is mandatory because it grants a lot of extra damage, making not only the single target awesome but also clear speed awesome as well.


Hyrri's Ire  Game Icon

- Hyrri's Ire is mandatory for this build because it grants a lot of cold damage with bow attacks, a huge amount of evasion, and 10% chance to dodge attacks and spells.


Lioneye's Fall  Game Icon

- This jewel is mandatory because it allows us to pick some very useful nodes on our passive tree, not only granting a lot of critical chance and multiplier but also chance to blind and leech for Life and Mana.


Mandatory Helmet


Ice Shot Build Deadeye Ranger mandatory helmet



- Must be a Blizzard Crown

- Some Life



- You need to get a Blizzard Crown for this build because of the extra damage.

- If you have more PoE Currency, grab one that also reduces nearby enemies' cold resistance.


Recommended Flasks

- Divine Life Flask

- Diamond Flask

- Quicksilver Flask

- Dying Sun

- The wise Oak


Gameplay Gear

Ice Shot Build Deadeye Ranger gear






Ice ShotElemental Damage with AttacksAdded Cold DamageInspirationChainIncreased Strike Critical Chance

- This is your clear setup for Ice Shot. Start forming a 4L with Elemental Damage with Attacks, Added Cold Damage, and Inspiration.

- When you get a 5L or a 6L bow, add Chain and Increased Critical Strike Chance.



Ice ShotElemental Damage with AttacksBarrage SupportElemental Focus Added Cold DamageHypothermia

- For destroying bosses, you will need a single target Ice Shot setup in your body armour.

- Start with Elemental Damage with Attacks, Barrage, and Elemental Focus. When you get a 5L or 6L armour, use Added Cold Damage and Hypothermia.



HatredHerald of IceSummon SkitterbotsEnlighten

- Hatred grants more cold damage.

- Skitterbots keep chilling and shocking enemies for more damage and survivability.

- Herald of Ice grants added cold damage and causes enemies to explode.



DashBlood RageVaal GraceIncreased Duration

- Dash is a great movement skill.

- Blood Rage grants a big attack speed buff and generates frenzy charges.

- Vaal Grace grants a temporary chance to avoid damage. You can use it on bosses.



Arcanist BrandSniper's MarkFrost BombSummon Ice Golem

- This brand is for bosses. It will keep cursing them with Sniper's Mark for a lot more damage. And it will also cast Frost Bomb that reduces their cold resistance by 15%.

- Ice Golem grants extra accuracy and critical chance. Never link Ice Golem to the rest of the setup.





Look for these mods on rare jewels:

- Cold Damage

- Projectile Damage

- Bow Damage

- Critical Multiplier

- Maximum Life


Abyss Jewel


Ice Shot Build Deadeye Ranger abyss jewel



- X% chance to gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on kill.



- I highly recommend you to get an abyssal jewel like this.


Watcher's Eye


Ice Shot Build Deadeye Ranger watcher's eye



- +X% to critical strike chance while affected by Hatred.



- This kind of Watcher's Eye is not cheap, but it can optimize your damage.

- It is not mandatory.



Skill Tree

Ice Shot Build Deadeye Ranger skill tree




Major God: Lunaris

Minor God: Tukohama




Ice Shot Build Deadeye Ranger bandit




This build has a not-so-easy leveling process. It's beginner possible, but only for the strong ones.



- Use Split Arrow until level 32.

- Then equip a Death's Harp and change to Tornado shot.

- Reaching level 44, you can equip your Death's Opus and start using Ice Shot.


Leveling setup of links:

- The first skill you will get is Burning Arrow. You can use it until you reach the first city.

- There, talk to Tarkleigh and pick Split Arrow as your reward.

- Keep Split Arrow with the Pierce support gem.

- Reaching level 8, you should also support Split Arrow with Maim and Added Fire Damage.

- Reaching level 18, you can replace Added Fire Damage with Vicious Projectiles.

- Reaching level 22, after getting two Praxis, you can use Herald of Purity and Skitterbots for more damage.

- Reaching level 32, after getting your Death's Heap, you can replace Split Arrow with Tornado Shot.

- You can also replace Pierce with Lesser Multiple Projectiles.

- Reaching level 38, you can replace Maim with Brutality.

- Reaching level 44, after getting your Death's Opus, you can start using Ice Shot.

- Also, on level 44, when you start using Ice Shot, replace Herald of Purity with Herald of Ice.

- As soon as you have a 5 or 6L body armour, you can use the complete setup.

- Around level 70, when you reach Charisma on your passive tree and get a level 3 Enlighten, you can also use Hatred.


Recommended PoE Items

- Tabula Rasa

- Lochtonial Caress

- Goldrim

- Wanderlust

- Quill Rain

- Asenath's Mark

- Praxis

- Death's Harp



The content above comes from Daniel Toledo's video. If you find it helpful, don't forget to leave a like and hit the subscribe button. Meanwhile, we've got big news here! The next PoE expansion, 3.15, will be released in mid-July, the precise date of which will be announced on approximately 24th June. So keep an eye on it and stay tuned to MmoGah for more 3.15 PoE Builds by then.



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