
What Is Ascendancy Enchantment in Path of Exile

Di Leo Jiang
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For Path of Exile, besides the Ascendancy classes, there’re plenty of contents to sift through. There's the Lord's Labyrinth that's being talked about, and it seems that those who complete it will get more than loot and bragging rights, but also new powerful enchantments to one of their Path of Exile Items. Grinding Gear Games has released information regarding these enchantments, and it seems pretty good.


Take note that when you get a PoE Currency enchanted, it replaces any existing influence, including previous enchantments. Therefore, you can't expect to stack up enchantments since that should be good in the game. These enchantments are always at fixed values and Blessed Orbs will have no effect on them, so it is able to "cheat" your way. However, they have the same colors as Master Crafted implicit mods, you can make both on a single poe item actually, so stacking them up isn't a lost reason completely.

There are some new pretty interesting effects of enchantments that you can tap into. For example, Similar to Raging Spirit, Decree of the Grave lets you summon floating ice skulls as minions that will fight and follow for you. They explode in icy bursts that can deliver cold splash damage when their duration ends. There's also Decree of Fury that makes you throw clones of weapon or its projectiles in a cone of effect in front of you, letting you hit enemies for many times with heavy damage. You can get the opportunity to get an exalted orb.


There's the Decree of the Tempest that makes you charge up with energy, and explode a few seconds to deliver lightning spell damage to enemies around you. When stepping on it, Decree of Light makes you deliver attack damage to enemies around you while creating Consecrated Ground that heals you and your allies. Both of these make you deal with multiple enemies better while boosting your survivability, making them become must-haves in the game.


Also, there are other enchantments to be had with certain item types. For example, when you enchant your boots and meet certain conditions, they gain powerful stats that trigger. For instance, you may add a certain type of damage if you killed recently (in the last 4 seconds), or you get an increased life and mana regeneration if you hit recently, or increase movement speed if you haven't been hit recently and so on.

The same goes for when you enchant your helm, but it's more of gaining certain bonuses that only apply to certain skills. There are two or three of these skill-specific stats for every skill, meaning that there are over 300 of them to be had. In certain ways, they can do well to further boost your character's effectiveness. If you want more powerful PoE Items, such as useful chaos orbs, you'll get the chance to make some more. Along with all new possibilities with Ascendancy classes comes new ways to get stronger with these enchantments. For more useful and interesting poe news, please check


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