
A Spookily Good October for RuneScape Fans

Di Michel Z
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For RuneScape fans, this October will be a time to survive, protect, celebrate and donate. MmoGah shares with you the details of the content of this month.



The first update to talk about this month is a brand new, completely free game mode called Dimension of the Damned. Combat, crafting and cooperation are the focus in this exciting, time limited, two-week zombie fest, where you control a fully maxed version of your normal account.


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Starting from October 16, the gameplay is focussed around Falador and a free-to-play environment, surrounded by legions of the damned.

Protect your group by constructing barricades, or use them to upset the competition in the area. Each player can earn points by killing the wide variety of zombie types - including 10-man boss encounters - which can be spent in Falador on loot boxes. Unique equipment, power-ups and useful materials can be found, helping you rack up more points and hopefully earn yourself an invitation to the unique endgame.

This grand finale will take place on the 28th of October. Each invited player starts game with zero points, but this time, death is permanent. Over the course of two hours, the world slowly shrinks in size with more and more monsters spawning until finally, only one player remains. Unique prizes and glorious recognition await!

The update is totally free and all accounts start at max level, so it's a great time to buddy up with new friends and old.



In fact, free players have it really good this month, with a big batch of previously members-only content becoming available to all.

This is the biggest bundle of newly free-to-play content to date, including seven quests, the Fletching skill, two D&Ds, the Warriors' Guild, craftable off-hands, crossbows, more places to explore and more magical and ranged armour.

There really has never been a better time to pop in-game and give RuneScape a go, so if you've got any friends sitting on the fence, be sure to bring them in.





This year’s Hallowe'en update sticks strongly with supernatural spookery and focusses on storytelling. You'll uncover sad tales from tormented ghosts around the world and help solve some putrid puzzles to help put them to rest. Half of the stories from the miniquest have been taken directly from fantastic player submissions. Available - in part - to both free and members, rewards include a new Hallowe'en emote, title and a great cosmetic outfit allowing you to become a headless rider!



Looking for something less gruesome? Check out Novtumberfest!



This is the first outing of Gielinor's thirst-quenching beer festival – a massive beach-style event with plenty of great activities to tuck into as you take a break from the weighty duties of the World Guardian.

Try out the new seasonal minigame, Kegger, practice table dancing and ride on the giant carousel, or join in on the latest epic bar crawl across the world. There will be plenty of rewards await you, including barrel pets, wolpertingers, thigh-slapping outfits, new dance emotes, and a healthy chunk of XP too.



October also sees the return of Count Check to the bright lights of Lumbridge, and in-game NPC fully motivated to get you to learn more about the benefits of account security.

Earn free Keys every day for simply using the multitude of options to help keep your account safe. Free security-inspired clue scrolls are also available every day directly from the Count, as well as XP lamps and even some competitions. Look out for more information next week!





We'd also like to tell you about a new charity event that happening in October. Similar to the Gielinorian Giving event back in May, you'll have the chance to gain some in-game charity tokens through normal play, earning yourself some unique armour.

You can also spend RuneCoins on a brand new cape, or the items from the May event, if you missed out first time.

All the proceeds from RuneCoin purchases on those special items will go directly to Mind, YMCA and the Prince's Trust, whom many of you will have met or seen at RuneFest this year!



Twitch viewers who've connected their RuneScape account to the Twitch account can start earning unique rewards, starting with the Twitching Orb pet. Tune into Tuesday's month ahead live stream at 4pm game time to grab yours!

Finally, don't be surprised if you see some layout changes to the Grand Exchange. In a recent in-game poll, you voted to consolidate the Varrock GE into a single booth, the changes you asked for will be implemented, and the area will be tidied up a bit.

The poll systems have also been improved by adding in-game bank locations with details of the polls, and the categories have been removed to give all decisions equal importance.

Have Fun!




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