
SWTOR: What to Do at Level 70

Di Helen Keller
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Leveling up in SWTOR is an amazingly fun experience. Once you reach max level in SWTOR, that’s when the game really begins. Often people ask ‘What do I do at max level in SWTOR?’ once they hit that magic level 70. There’s plenty to do, and Mmogah will show you what it found from some professional webs.

PvP at Level 70

a. Warzones

PvP is a game of war where you’re actually fighting other people in the game. And to hop into that is pretty easy - just click the icon of a Republic or Imperial symbol near your mini map and choose ‘queue solo’. This will try and match you up with other players for a warzone.


The only thing you really need to know is that other than killing other people, there are mechanics that you pay attention to in the matches. Some of them are: you guard the door, some of them you have to capture the node, and some of them are pure death matches.


b. Galactic Starfigher (GSF)

If this is your very first time PvP, just type in chat “this is my first time, is there any tips for this war zone or anything I need to watch out for?”


There’s also a different type of Player vs Player content called Galactic Star Fighter. You jump into your space ship and fight battles against others in space with your team.


PvE at Level 70

a. Flashpoints at Level 70

Flashpoints are like dungeons, and are the main way to gear up in SWTOR. You and three allies can tackle a Flashpoint. If you don’t have three friends online, you can use the LFG tool in game to queue up for a flashpoint. Flashpoints also have a daily quest, so make sure to pick that up. Standard Flashpoints will gear you up for Hard Mode Flashpoints. Hard Mode Flashpoints will gear you up for Operations.


b. Operations at Level 70

Operations are the highest PvE content available to max level players in SWTOR. It takes groups of 8-16 players to complete. This content can be very challenging, and will require a certain level of gear from flashpoints. There are also Weekly quests to do Operations that you can pick up on the fleet and on the Gav Daragon.


You can also queue up to do story mode Operations. These are less challenging than normal mode Operations, but do not reward the same level of gear.


c. Solo Content at Level 70

If you enjoy PvE content but like to play more solo, there’s lots of quests you can complete.


Each planet has its own planetary quest line you can complete, a lot of the flashpoints have a solo version you can walk into or get a random one from the galactic command panel, there’s Star Fortresses that you can do once you finish Knights of the Fallen Empire chapter 9, there’s the Eternal Champion fights you can do after you finish chapter 9 and do some of the alliance alerts, and of course the alliance alert quests themselves that help you gain a whole bunch of new companions.


If you’re looking to explore more of the open world and earn credits you can try doing all the Heroics which can be picked up from the heroics terminal on the fleet, or you can do a random planet’s heroics through the galactic command panel.


Eternal Championship - solo or with friends


If you’re looking for a really different style of gameplay, you can also try space missions - you pick them up on your ship, and you get to fly your ship and save space stations that are under attack by the enemy and fly through asteroid fields.


d. Galactic Command Panel for Level 70

With the new Galactic Command panel, it’s easier than ever to see what activities you can hop into at level 70. Press CTRL+G to open the Galactic Command Panel, or choose Galactic Command in the dropdown menu under the icon of a quest triangle. From this menu you can jump right into the story chapters, flashpoints, uprisings, operations, warzones, starfighter, and heroics. Everything in this panel, as well as a few other quests around the world, also help you gain galactic command points which will eventually turn into level 70 armor you can wear.


There’s no end of activities you can check out when you hit level 70, and I recommend you try out one of them at least once to see if you like it.



Leveling is something else you can do if this is your first character. There are eight distinct classes in the game: there’s four on Republic side and four and on imperial side, and the initial leveling content in the game is very unique to each class - so if you’ve played a Jedi Knight and you want to go play smuggler, that’s going to be a very different story and you definitely want to see all eight of them at some point in your life.


Later on in the story especially in Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne, the storyline is exactly the same for each class - but before then you get to see different planets if you’re on the other faction, and you get see different companions and you get to see the whole new class storyline


If you don’t want to start up a new character but want to try out some story content you’ve already played, but in a more difficult setting, both the Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne chapters can be played on a harder difficulty! You can get to these re-playable chapters in the Galactic Command panel.



The last one is the one that many players don’t know about. Once you’ve hit 70, I definitely recommend go and check out the leveling, the PvE, the PvP, but if you’re not really into those things and are more shy or quiet, rather do things on your own by yourself, or like to fill up bars, like to collect things, like to see what secrets are in the game - collecting is what you’re going to check out.


a. Reputation

There’s reputation, and you can see your reputation by opening the legacy panel up in the menu it looks like a little shield in the dropdown menu under the icon of a character - and you just click on it and click reputation and there’s a whole bunch of different groups you can gain reputation with by doing certain quests or certain heroics or some of them only happen during certain parts of the year but you get some really cool rewards if you rank up your reputation with them.


b. Strongholds

There’s strongholds that you can decorate like your own personal house and there’s literally thousands of decorations in the game that you can get some of them are just from the GTN and others are from the cartel market some are you can only get by doing certain achievements.


c. Pets

There’s pets that you can collect, there’s a lot of pets that you can’t get but there’s hundreds that you can if you want to know about some of the cool ones you can actually earn in-game that you don’t have to buy a new GTN just search online for “SWTOR secret pets” and there’s a guide up.


d. Item Collections

Of course there’s all other types of things you can collect: there’s mounts, there’s emotes, there’s colors crystals and of course hundreds of outfits and weapons. Just pick what you’re interested in and start working towards it. If you need money, you can always do heroics and start saving up.


f. Crafting

Hopefully as you leveled up, you saved all the crafting resources you came across. You can work on your crafting skills to max them out. Why do crafting at max level in SWTOR? Certain professions can be beneficial to you. Biochem can create reusable stims which will save you credits, Cybertech can create reusable grenades, and so on. There are also achievements for crafting.


g. Roleplaying

If you are on a roleplay (RP) server, you may want to try roleplaying. Essentially, RPing is creating a character personality, and acting it out. Think of it as being a character in an ongoing TV series.  You interact with other RPers, and respond to them as your character would respond.  If you are interested in RPing, find the RPers on your server and ask them where RPers get together.  Usually RPers are willing to help new players get involved.

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