
The Two Main Changes That Players Should Grasp about Knights of the Fallen Empire Section One

Di John Ryan
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Mmogah has introduced Knights of the Fallen Empire before, players basically know about the main idea about the new update. Here, we want to share the first main change in Fallen Empire with all SWTOR lovers.


When it comes to Flashpoints, the official has made lots of changes to make players have more options on what to play, and how to play them.

  • Solo Mode Flashpoints

All of the Flashpoints which are important to the core story have had a Solo Mode added, similar to what the official did for the Forged Alliances Flashpoints. In addition, those Solo Modes are repeatable, so players can play via them again and again if you want. These Solo Mode Flashpoints adopt a new level sync system that lowers your character’s level and power to the level of the Flashpoint, ensuring that you’re experiencing the content at the difficulty level intended - you never have to skip story content because you’re over-leveled for it!


These Flashpoints are repeatable, and players can play solo or with a Companion. Your characters will be adjusted down to the appropriate level so that you are experiencing the Flashpoint at the level and difficulty that is intended.

Black Talon


Boarding Party

Taral V

The Foundry

Maelstrom Prison

Battle of Ilum

The False Emperor

Assault on Tython

Korriban Incursion

Manaan Research Facility

Legacy of the Rakata

Blood Hunt

Battle of Rishi

  • Tactical Flashpoints

Most of the Story Mode Flashpoints have been converted to Tactical, which means players can play them at any level between level 10 and level 65! These Flashpoints also bolster your characters, so you never have to worry about being under-geared or under-leveled, and can play with friends of varying levels. In addition, each player can also receive loot specific from their class and their non-bolstered level, so running these Flashpoints is always profitable.


These 4-Player Flashpoints are available from level 10-65. Your character will be bolstered so that friends of any level can play together! 

Hammer Station


Mandalorian Raiders


Red Reaper

Kuat Drive Yards

Czerka Labs

Czerka Core Meltdown

Korriban Incursion

Assault on Tython

Depths of Manaan

Legacy of the Rakata

Blood Hunt

Battle of Rishi

  • Hard Mode Flashpoints 

All Hard Mode Flashpoints, including the Red Reaper for the first time, will be available from Level 50 up to Level 65. There will be a small Bolster to allow different level ranges to play together, but you’ll need to bring a balanced group with a Tank and Healer just as with Hard Mode Flashpoints currently. Just like the new Tactical Flashpoints, each player can get their own individual loot suited for their class from entirely new sets of gear.


These Level 65 Flashpoints are designed to show players more challenges. They provide a small Bolster, but still require a full 4-Player group, including a Tank and a Healer.

Black Talon


Boarding Party

Taral V

The Foundry

Maelstrom Prison

Kaon Under Siege

Lost Island

Battle of Ilum

The False Emperor

Hammer Station


Mandalorian Raiders

Red Reaper


Kuat Drive Yards

Czerka Labs

Czerka Core Meltdown

Korriban Incursion

Assault on Tython

Depths of Manaan

Legacy of the Rakata

Blood Hunt

Battle of Rishi 

The changes of Flashpoints made by the official will make SWTOR lovers better enjoy Knights of the Fallen Empire, players just need to prepare enough SWTOR gold for it. At this time, as a 10+ years gold seller, Mmogah is always the best choice for SWTOR players. Look forward to your coming!


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