
The Reason for Our Two Accounts “mmogah” “happysnow” on Got Banned

Di John Ryan
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Recently there were customers asked why our accounts on got banned. We know they were afraid we are scammer or became scammer. We are aware that we should explain to everyone why our two accounts “mmogah” “happysnow” on got banned.

First of all, our accounts got banned is not because we are scammer, but Spam/Advertising.

The reason for “mmogah”


The reason for “happysnow”
why happysnow of got banned on ownedcore 

When we registered on the site, really hadn’t read their rules clearly. We think almost all people don’t read rules clearly as us. And we know why “mmogah” got banned, however still cant understand why “happysnow” got banned.

What we did with account “mmogah”
The first time, our account “mmogah” got a warning is because we posted a fraud detection site name and link on our thread on Ownedcore, we intended to tell our customer we are using their service to avoid fraud, did not mean to break their rule. Because we have the invalid link on the thread, Ownedcore deleted the thread, but you can find the whole details on An Honest Response to Our Archeage Gold Buyer on Ownedcore.

The second time, when we noticed other sites posted articles on forum Archeage, we posted an article How to Make Money from as an Archeage or FFXIV Player. After this, our account “mmogah” got banned.

What we did with account “happysnow”
Recently, we have been focusing on requiring our customers to leave good reviews on multitude social sites like Trustpilot, Resellerratings, Youtube after we delivered their order, haven’t required customers to leave feedback in our threads on the Ownedcore within a period, we just took review picture then posted it with the review link, you can see these on Cheap Safe Fast FFXIV GIL, An Amazing Gift from Mmogah: All Housings on All Servers and WTS Cheap Archeage Gold, 2Mins Delivery, 9.8 Scores on Trustpoilit . After we did this for a period of time, “happysnow” got banned. was not a scammer, is not a scammer now and wont become a scammer in the future. Our impressive sincere service attitude and fast delivery is bringing more and more loyal customers.


If you found our site through Ownedcore, please on your own initiative kindly leave a review on Ownedcore after we completed your order or we sent your money. Any good or bad review is the same important for us to increase or improve our service. Our reps may not require you to leave a review there.

Mmogah and mmogah review

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