
Warmane Guide: Faction Change on The Burning Crusade Realms

Di Cathy Deng
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MmoGah will share a guide for the faction change on The Burning Crusade realms with Warmane players. You can spare one minute to read it.


Faction change is irreversible and not eligible for refund.


In order to change faction, first of all you will have to create an alliance character. This character will be used only for race, name (you will be able to change it later) and appearance. Anything else (gear, reputation and so on) will be swapped and converted from your horde character.


Steps bellow should be done after you created an alliance character:


Step 1. Once you are logged on warmane official site, go to the "Services" page. You can also use this link:


Step 2. Select the realm (in our case Outland), after that select your horde character which on you want to transfer and select the currency. On the next dropdown select the "Faction change".



Step 3. Now you will have to select the alliance character you created earlier. 



You also can change the character's name here if you want. This is optional.


Step 4. Tick the checkbox on the left side of the confirmation text.



Step 5. Click the "Purchase" button to finish the faction change process.


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