
Ultimate Guide to Getting Quel'Serrar in WoW Classic Anniversary

Di Shirley Huang
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Ultimo aggiornamento il'Serrar is one of the most iconic weapons in WoW Classic 20th Anniversary, especially for Warrior and Paladin tanks. Its reintroduction in the WoW 20th Anniversary version has reignited interest among players. This legendary blade, known for its lore-rich backstory and unique functionality, is a prized possession for tanks and collectors alike. In this guide, we'll explore what makes Quel'Serrar so important, how to obtain it, and strategies for defeating the required bosses.

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Why Is Quel'Serrar Important

Quel'Serrar is a one-handed sword with stats that cater primarily to tanks. Its unique effect grants a significant armor bonus when struck in combat, making it a defensive powerhouse for Warriors and Protection Paladins. Beyond its mechanics, Quel'Serrar is steeped in lore as a blade tied to the dragonflights, with a questline that immerses players in the rich narrative of Azeroth. Its utility and rarity make it a symbol of prestige among players.


How to Obtain Quel'Serrar

To acquire Quel'Serrar, players need to embark on a challenging and rewarding questline. The first step involves obtaining the "Foror's Compendium of Dragon Slaying," a rare book drop. This book is most commonly found in Dire Maul, particularly in the treasure chests located in the Capital Gardens or dropped by certain bosses. If you need additional resources like potions or gear for this quest, you can buy some WoW Classic 20th Anniversary gold to get what you need efficiently. Once you possess the book, reading it will grant you a quest called "The Forging of Quel'Serrar." This quest directs you to the hidden Stronghold of the Dragonslayers, where you'll be tasked with taking the ancient blade to Onyxia's Lair for its final forging.


Route to Acquiring Quel'Serrar

Step 1: Acquiring Foror's Compendium

Run Dire Maul East, where the book has a chance to drop from bosses such as Alzzin the Wildshaper or in certain treasure chests. Bring a Rogue or someone with the "Pick Lock" ability to access these chests more easily.

Step 2: Turning in the Book

Once you have the book, head to Lorekeeper Lydros in Dire Maul's library. He will give you the quest "The Forging of Quel'Serrar."

Step 3: Preparing for Onyxia's Lair

Equip yourself with fire resistance gear and gather a raid group capable of defeating Onyxia. Bring the "Unfired Ancient Blade" provided by Lorekeeper Lydros.

Step 4: Forging the Blade

During the fight against Onyxia, you must activate the blade by exposing it to her breath attack. Make sure to coordinate with your raid to ensure you survive the encounter while accomplishing this task. Once the blade is "tempered," defeat Onyxia and loot her Lair.

Step 5: Finalizing the Quest

Return to Lorekeeper Lydros with the Tempered Blade to complete the quest. He will reward you with the mighty Quel'Serrar.

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Strategies for Defeating the Required Bosses

Dire Maul Bosses Focus on clearing trash mobs carefully to avoid accidental pulls. Bosses like Alzzin the Wildshaper can be challenging due to their shapeshifting abilities. Bring ample crowd control and dispels to make the fight manageable. If you're struggling with the mechanics or need faster progression, consider using professional Classic Fresh boost service to help navigate through these encounters more smoothly.

Onyxia's Lair requires a coordinated raid. During Phase 1, ensure the main tank positions Onyxia properly to avoid cleave damage on the raid. In Phase 2, handle whelps effectively with AoE damage while avoiding her Deep Breath. In Phase 3, maintain positioning and burn her down while managing fears and tail swipes. For the blade tempering process, have the designated player holding the "Unfired Ancient Blade" stand in front of Onyxia during her breath attack. Ensure healers are ready to keep them alive during this phase.



Quel'Serrar is more than just a weapon—it's a testament to a player's dedication and skill. Its unique mechanics and deep lore make it a must-have for tanks in WoW 20th Anniversary. By following this guide, you can join the ranks of adventurers who wield this legendary blade and enjoy its unmatched utility in battle. Assemble your allies, prepare for challenges, and claim your rightful place as a champion of Azeroth with Quel'Serrar in hand!


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