
WoW Classic 20th Anniversary: Ultimate Warrior Guide for Gold Farming, Leveling, and Tips

Di Ansley
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Welcome to the world of Azeroth! As a new Warrior, you’ll face many challenges, but with the right strategies, you can level up quickly and amass a fortune in gold. This guide will cover essential tips for fast leveling, efficient WoW Classic 20th Anniversary gold farming, and general advice to help you succeed.


Warrior Class Overview

Warriors are versatile melee combatants, excelling in tanking and dealing powerful physical damage. However, they rely heavily on gear and skill to shine. Understanding the fundamentals of this class is key to success.




  • Excellent tanking capabilities.
  • High burst damage with the right gear.
  • Scales well with endgame equipment.




  • Difficult to level due to gear dependence.
  • Limited self-healing abilities.
  • Vulnerable to crowd control in PvP.


Leveling Tips

1. Race Selection

Your choice of race can greatly impact your Warrior’s performance. Here are the best options:



Human: +5 Sword and Mace skill, ideal for weapon specialization.

Dwarf: Stoneform for defense against bleeds, poisons, and diseases.

Gnome: Escape Artist for PvP mobility.



Orc: Blood Fury for extra attack power and Axe Specialization.

Tauren: Increased stamina and War Stomp for crowd control.

Troll: Berserking for increased attack speed.


2. Choose the Right Talents

•  Leveling Spec: Start with the Arms specialization for its strong damage output and efficiency in solo play. Key talents to focus on include Improved Overpower, Deep Wounds, and Mortal Strike.


•  Switch to Fury: Around level 40, consider switching to Fury for faster attack speeds and better dual-wielding capabilities.


3. Endgame Roles

Warriors are in high demand for tanking and melee DPS roles in raids and dungeons.



Warriors are the premier tanks in WoW Classic due to their ability to generate threat and mitigate damage effectively. Learn the following:


•  Rotation: Use Shield Slam, Revenge, and Sunder Armor for threat generation.

•  Key Abilities: Shield Wall, Last Stand, and Taunt.



Warriors deal high single-target damage with proper gear and buffs.


•  Rotation: Keep Execute for finishers and maintain abilities like Mortal Strike or Bloodthirst.

•  Stance Management: Swap between Battle Stance and Berserker Stance as needed.


4. Efficient Questing

•  Quest Hubs: Focus on completing quests in clusters to minimize travel time. Prioritize quests that offer good gear rewards or significant experience points.


•  Grinding Spots: Supplement questing with grinding in high-density mob areas. Good spots include The Barrens (levels 10-20), Stranglethorn Vale (levels 30-45), and Eastern Plaguelands (levels 50-60).


5. Use of Professions

The right professions can enhance your Warrior’s progression and performance.


•  First Aid: Essential for Warriors due to their lack of self-healing. Keep your First Aid skill maxed out.


•  Mining and Blacksmithing: These professions provide gear upgrades and a steady income from selling ores and crafted items.


•  Engineering: Useful for PvP and crafting gadgets like grenades and helmets.


6. Other

Pull enemies carefully to avoid dying.

Use a Defensive Stance and Taunt to manage tricky fights.


WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Ultimate Warrior

Gold Farming Tips

1. Bloodfin Catfish Farming


•  Location: Deadwind Pass


•  Steps:

1. Use your Dalaran Hearthstone to get to Legion Dalaran.

2. Take the portal to Karazhan in Deadwind Pass.

3. Fly to the river in Deadwind Pass and fish for Bloodfin Catfish.

•  Gold Potential: Bloodfin Catfish are currently selling for around 618 gold each.


•  Tips: These catfish do not spawn in pools, so you will need to fish directly in the river. The number of fish you catch per hour can vary.


2. Small Flame Sac Farming


•  Location: Dire Maul, Feralas


•  Steps:

1. If you are a Druid, use Dreamwalk to access the Emerald Dreamway and take the portal to Feralas. Otherwise, take a portal to the Caverns of Time and fly to Feralas.

2. Enter Dire Maul West and farm the Eldr Darter mobs.

3. Use a macro to efficiently target and cast spells on the Eldr Darters.

•  Gold Potential: Small Flame Sacs are currently selling for around 1,700 gold each.


•  Tips: The drop rate is random, so it may take a few runs to get a significant amount. Use abilities like Dreamwalk or similar to reset instances quickly.


WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Ultimate Warrior Gold Farming

General Tips

1. Gear Upgrades

•  Weapons: Always prioritize upgrading your weapon. A better weapon significantly increases your damage output.


•  Armor: Focus on Strength, Stamina, and Critical Strike gear.


2. Group Play

•  Dungeons: Regularly run dungeons for gear upgrades and experience. Forming groups also helps with tougher quests.


•  PvP: Engage in PvP for additional rewards and to improve your combat skills.


PvP Tips for Warriors

Warriors are deadly in PvP but require proper positioning and support from healers.


Key Abilities


Charge: For initiating fights.

Intercept: To close gaps.

Hamstring: To slow enemies.


PvP Strategies


Pair with a healer for sustainability.

Use stuns and interrupts strategically.

Position yourself to avoid crowd control.


3. Essential Add-ons for Warriors

Enhance your gameplay with these helpful add-ons:


•  Deadly Boss Mods (DBM): Raid awareness.

•  ThreatClassic2: Monitor threat levels in dungeons.

•  WeakAuras: Customize alerts for key abilities.


4. Warrior Gear Progression

Gear progression is critical for the Warriors. Focus on upgrading your weapon, armor, and trinkets in the following order:


•  Pre-Raid BiS: Acquire dungeon gear.

•  Raid Gear: Prioritize Strength and Critical Strike.

•  PvP Gear: Grind Honor for PvP rewards.


5. Consumables

•  Food and Potions: Always carry plenty of food and healing potions. They reduce downtime and keep you in the fight longer.


•  Buffs: Use scrolls and elixirs to boost your WoW Classic Fresh stats during tough encounters.

WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Ultimate Warrior Tips



Warriors are a challenging but highly rewarding class in WoW Classic. You can become a legendary tank or DPS in Azeroth with the right strategies, gear, and determination. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a powerful Warrior in WoW Classic 20th Anniversary. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination, so enjoy your time in Azeroth!

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