
Phase 5 SoD Best Early Preparation and Investment Guide

Di Shirley Huang
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Phase 5 SoD will come on Sep 26. This phase introduces the legendary Thunderfury questline, new reputation rewards, and updates to professions with new recipes. PvP adjustments are likely focusing on battlegrounds like Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin, and while no new consumables are expected immediately, existing ones will remain crucial. So this is the single best time to get prepared if you want to dominate and get the most out of BWL's new content.

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Raid Preparations

To prepare for Phase 5, players need to complete several key tasks. First, getting attuned to BWL by killing the Scarshield Quartermaster near UBRS and using the Orb of Ascension behind General Drakkisath is essential. Additionally, obtaining an Scale Cloak is crucial for survival in the raid. This involves crafting a Cindercloth Cloak with the help of a tailor and then having a leatherworker, who has turned in the Head of Onyxia, craft the Onyxia Scale Cloak using scales from Onyxia, which requires a skinner with 310-315 skill and enchanted gloves. Preparing multiple gear sets, including Fire Resistance gear and best-in-slot trinkets, is important for quick swaps during the fast-paced raid. Acquiring items like the Onyxia Head for the best necklace and preparing for server-first Thunderfury are also key priorities. As Phase 5 approaches, top players will reserve essential items, making it vital to be well-prepared and competitive.


PvP Preparation

It's crucial to prepare for the PvP grind by pushing for Rank 10 now, as it doesn't degrade and can be completed early. The focus will shift from Alterac Valley to Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin, so ensure your rank gear is properly enchanted for PvP rather than Fire Resistance. Additionally, gather key PvP items like the Goblin Rocket Helmet, Mind Control Cap, and various spell reflectors, along with essential consumables like flash bombs, magic dust, and Goblin Sapper Charges. Don't forget to acquire battle standards from the rank vendor and Alterac Valley to gain an edge in PvP.

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It's important to focus on key reputations. Prioritize Alterac Valley for rewards like the recall trinket, battle standard, and ice threaded arrows. The Argent Dawn reputation is also crucial, aiming for revered status for the best-in-slot Sunfruit and exalted for the top enchant. Additionally, start working on the Cenarion Circle reputation by completing logistics quests, as it will prepare you for AQ raiding and help you obtain early access to powerful items like Earthstrike.


Professions and Gold-Making

It's crucial to focus on professions and gold-making. There's a good chance we'll see new professional recipes, making it wise to level up Alchemy and Engineering to 300 and stockpile valuable old recipes like Crusader and Flask recipes. Running Stratholme and Scholomance is an effective gold-making method, along with Echo farming for Juju buffs. Investing in items like Librams of Veracity and rare consumables such as Dark Runes and Winterfall Firewater is also recommended. Make sure you're prepared with your attunement, Onyxia cloak, best-in-slot gear, and PvP essentials. Finally, stockpile SoD gold and key consumables that are likely to increase in value.

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In Blackwing Lair (BWL), the consumables you'll need are mostly the same as those for Molten Core, with no new additions expected at this time. Free Action Potions (FAPs) can be particularly useful, along with the usual Greater Fire Protection and Greater Shadow Protection potions. These protection potions are especially important for surviving encounters like the Shadow Flame breath, even if you're wearing an Onyxia Scale Cloak. While new consumables may be introduced in future content like Zul'Gurub (ZG), for now, it's best to stock up on these essentials to ensure your character's survival and maintain those precious raid buffs.


Thunderfury Blade of the Windseeker becomes available in BWL during Phase V, requiring 100 Arcanite Bars, 10 Fiery Cores, 30 Elemental Flux, and 10 Elementium Bars. To obtain Elementium Bars, players must smelt Elementium, which involves mind-controlling a goblin in BWL and collecting Elementium Ore from trash mobs. With the Season of Discovery, changes to BWL could include mastery mechanics, new reputation items, and possibly new profession questlines, similar to previous phases. These updates may add new challenges and rewards, enhancing the experience for players.


Prepare for WoW Season of Discovery Phase 5 by investing in undervalued materials like mooncloth, rugged hide, and arcanite, as they may become essential with new content. Stockpiling these items now could yield significant returns as demand increases with the release of Blackwing Lair and potential new profession recipes. To further ensure you're ready for the challenges ahead, utilizing the Season of Discovery boost service can help you quickly prepare and get ahead of the competition.


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