
WoW MoP Classic Ultimate 85-90 Leveling Guide – Fast Routes & Best Zones

Di Shirley Huang
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Embark on an epic journey through the lush landscapes of Pandaria with our ultimate leveling guide! Whether you're a seasoned adventurer or a newcomer to Azeroth, this guide will help you blaze through levels 85 to 90 with ease. Discover the fastest routes, uncover hidden secrets, and explore the most efficient zones to maximize your experience gains.

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Core Leveling Methods


Completing quests is the backbone of leveling in Pandaria. Focus on story-driven main quests as they often reward significant experiences and unlock new zones.

Side quests are useful for additional XP, but prioritize those that are close to main quest hubs.

Daily quests: Once unlocked, daily quests are a steady source of XP, especially if you run out of regular quests in an area.

Dungeon Runs

Use the Dungeon Finder to join groups for level-appropriate dungeons. Completing dungeons offers a huge boost to your XP while also providing better gear.

Ensure you pick up the dungeon quests from the entrance for an extra XP bonus.

Grinding Mobs

While not as efficient as questing, farming mobs in high-density areas can supplement XP gains, especially if you combine it with gathering professions.

PvP Battlegrounds

If you enjoy PvP, participating in battlegrounds like Arathi Basin can provide XP along with Honor points. However, this method may not be as fast as questing.

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Tips for Faster Leveling

Use Experience Boosts

Apply consumables like XP potions and ensure rested XP is active before you begin leveling. To speed up the process even more, consider using fast MoP Classic boost service for a quick and efficient start.

Efficient Travel

Unlock and use flight paths early to reduce travel time between quest hubs.

Group Up

Leveling with a group can help complete quests and kill tougher mobs faster.

Optimize Quest Routes

Stick to clusters of quests in a single area to avoid unnecessary backtracking.


Use quest-tracking add-ons such as TomTom or Azeroth Auto Pilot to streamline questing routes and save time.

Best Leveling Zones

Each zone in Pandaria has unique quests and challenges. Below is the recommended path for efficient leveling from 85 to 90:

Jade Forest (85-86):

The starting zone for Pandaria offers a mix of combat and exploration quests. Focus on helping your faction establish a foothold here.

Key Questline: Alliance/ Horde introduction and the Serpent's Heart storyline.

Valley of the Four Winds & Krasarang Wilds (86-87):

Split your time between the peaceful farmland quests in the Valley and the more combat-focused Krasarang Wilds.

Key Highlight: Helping Chen Stormstout and uncovering Pandaren heritage.

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Kun-Lai Summit (87-88):

Travel to the snowy peaks of Kun-Lai to engage in quests involving Pandaren lore and white tiger trials.

Bonus: The Temple of the White Tiger dungeon questlines.


Townlong Steppes (88-89):

Face off against the Mantid forces and assist the Shado-Pan in their fight for survival.

Prioritize high-reward quests near the Shado-Pan Monastery.


Dread Wastes (89-90):

The final leveling zone, filled with challenging quests, centered around the Klaxxi Paragons.

Tip: Complete the Klaxxi reputation quest chain for bonus rewards and high XP.


Suggested Leveling Route

Level 85-86: Focus on Jade Forest's main storyline.

Level 86-87: Move to Valley of the Four Winds for laid-back farming quests, then transition to Krasarang Wilds for more intense combat quests.

Level 87-88: Explore Kun-Lai Summit and clear the northern regions while completing White Tiger-related quests.

Level 88-89: Venture into Townlong Steppes and engage in faction war quests.

Level 89-90: Finish in Dread Wastes by completing Klaxxi storylines and dailies.


Additional Tips


Gathering professions such as Herbalism and Mining not only provides resources for crafting but also grants XP while you explore.

Gear Up

Upgrade your gear regularly through dungeon loot and quest rewards. Higher stats mean faster mob kills. To stay ahead of the competition, consider buying MoP Classic Gold to ensure you're always equipped with the best gear for the journey once the game releases.

Events and Bonus Objectives

Participate in special events like the Darkmoon Faire or Battleground Bonus Weekends for extra XP and fun.


By following this guide, you'll optimize your journey to level 90 while immersing yourself in the breathtaking zones and stories of Pandaria. Whether you're a questing enthusiast or a dungeon crawler, there's a method here that suits your style. Enjoy your adventure!



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