Where to Get the Infinity Blade in Fortnite: Battle Royale

By Michel Z Tue Dec 11 2018 16:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

The Infinity Blade has been released in Fortnite’s main mode and lobbies are concentrated on Polar Peak in a race to get the sword which turns you into the biggest killing machine in the game, as well as the biggest target. This article is showing you how it works and where to get it.



The blade acts similar to the Infinity Gauntlet from the Thanos LTM but feels just a little less powerful. The blade deals 75 damage for each swing and comes with a jump-dash that deals 25 damage in a circle around the landing.


In addition, the first player claiming the sword immediately gets 200 health and shields and each kill regenerates 50. There is also a steady one point per second heal for the user of the sword.

To get it you need to go to the castle at Polar Peak, where it sits in a pedestal in the courtyard. The peak has melted a bit since last week, and there's now a bit more of the cast poking through even if the map doesn't quite reflect that yet. Here's where you're going, though again the map does not yet reflect the changes. Just look for the courtyard, it's hard to miss:

Here’s a clip of gameplay and the exact location of the sword:



The original authors of this article is Mitch Reames (fortniteintel) and Dave Thier (Forbes). MmoGah is a legit place to buy Fortnite Items of Fortnite: Save the World. While keep updating the item list, we also offer different kinds of discount for you to get the best price for your purchase. Read this for more details on how to get the best price for Fortnite Items in our store. 

As you can see, there’s plenty of competition for the sword. Also, just the act of pulling it out of the stone takes a long time and the player in that video nearly dies to a pickaxe from 80 health.

If someone was shooting or even if the pickaxe had reached a second sooner, the player would never have controlled the sword.

Once players have the sword, they can’t grab any new items or weapons. Much like the Thanos LTM, the risk/reward of going for the sword is going to be high.  


As you might imagine, this area is completely, 100% insane right now, with what seems like every player in the game trying to get their hands on the new weapon. Note that it takes 5 seconds or so to actually pick it up, so the first stage of a match is people wildly pickaxing each other right on top of the pedestal until there's nobody left to pickaxe.

When you get it, however, the game changes. The Infinity Blade doesn't just give you powerful new attacks, it gives you increased speed, health and shields as well as regeneration on kills. It turns you into the biggest killing machine in the game, as well as the biggest target.

Of course, you probably won't be the first person to get your hands on it, but you can at least have the honor of being cut down by such a glorious weapon. Keep checking back for more Fortnite news and guides on MmoGah.


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