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Diablo 4 Ice Shard Build for Sorcerer Dungeon Running

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The Ice Shard Sorcerer is a powerful and versatile build in Diablo 4 that focuses on harnessing the elemental power of ice to decimate foes. Today we will introduce an Ice Shard build for dungeon farming shared by The Life of a Gamer on his Youtube channel. With it, you can clear higher Nightmare dungeons in five to ten minutes and do millions of damage. But here we want you to know you can also use our D4 dungeon boost service to complete dungeons, which requires no effort from you. Without further ado, let's dive into the guide.






Main Skill: Ice Shards (main damage dealing skill)


Frost Nova: this will freeze the enemies and apply vulnerability to them.


Defensive Skills: Flame Shield, Ice Armor, and Teleport


Deep Freeze: for this skill, you can switch around depending on your play style, like Inferno, Blizzard, or Meteor. As these skills are more supporting ones, this is still the Ice Shard even though you have Blizzard or Meteor equipped.


The first Enchantment: Fire Bolt to apply burning to enemies


The second Enchantment:


If you're fighting a group of mobs, use Ice Shards because when you freeze the enemies with your Frost Nova, the Ice Shards will pretty much destroy them.

If you're fighting bosses, switch the Ice Shards with a Frost Bolt enchantment, as it will apply chill to your skills, and this will greatly increase the stagger time for the bosses.


Stats & Gear



Frostblitz Adventurer's Helm: here, the stat you're looking for is cooldown reduction because it is a rare stat on pieces of gear, and the legendary aspect is "Frost Nova gains an additional Charge, but the Cooldown per Charge is increased by 30%".


Having that additional charge on Frost Nova is huge for this build. Not only do you freeze the enemies, but you also apply vulnerability.


Chest Armor:

The best chest piece for this build is Raiment of the Infinite. This unique chest piece will allow you to zip through the dungeons and pull all the enemies together.



Storm Swell Doom Ganutlets: the stats you're looking for are Ranks of Ice Shards and Critical Strike Chance. The legendary aspect is "you deal 19% increased damage to Vulnerable enemies while you have a Barrier".



Archon Fauld of Disobedience: the two pieces of gear where you want damage reduction is either your chest piece or your pants. Since we use Raiment of the Infinite for the pants, you will want defensive stats. The legendary aspect is "you gain 0.5% increased armor for 4 seconds when you deal any form of damage, stacking up to 50%".



Boneweave Treads of Binding Embers: the stats you want are Ranks of Teleport, Ranks of Frost Nova, and movement speed. For the legendary aspect, it is "Flame Shield lets you move unhindered through enemies. Enemies you move through while Flame Shield is active are immobilized for 3 seconds."



Rattling Bones of Piercing Cold: for the Wand, you're looking for Critical Strike Damage, and for the legendary aspect, it is "Ice Shards pierce four times, dealing 21% less damage".



Chain of Control: what you're looking for are movement speed and cooldown reduction. The legendary aspect is "you deal 50% more damage to Immobilized, Stunned, or Frozen enemies".



The best stats you want for the Rings are Critical Strike Damage, Critical Strike Chance, Lucky Hit Chance, and Vulnerable Damage.


Loop of Concentration: the first ring's legendary aspect is "Your Mana Regeneration is increased by 26% if you have not taken damage in the last 3 seconds".

Ring of Frozen Memories: the second ring's legendary aspect is "the Avalanche Key Passive now applies to one additional cast."


Skill Tree


Active Skills

Fire Bolt: 1 point to use the enchantment effect

Frost Bolt: 1 point to stagger the boss quicker

Ice Shards: 5 points

Enhanced Ice Shards: 1 point

Destructive Ice Shards: 1 point


Passive Skills

Devastation: 1 point

Elemental Dominance: 3 points


Defensive Skills

Flame Shield: 1 point

Enhanced Flame Shield: 1 point

Shimmering Flame Shield: 1 point

Teleport: 1 point

Enhanced Teleport: 1 point

Shimmering Teleport: 1 point

Ice Armor: 1 point

Enhanced Ice Armor: 1 point

Shimmering Ice Armor: 1 point

Frost Nova: 1 point

Enhanced Frost Nova: 1 point

Mystical Frost Nova: 1 point

Elemental Attunement: 1 point

Glass Cannon: 3 points


Conjuration Skills

Precision Magic: 1 point

Align the Elements: 1 point

Protection: 1 point


Mastery Skills

Icy Veil: 1 point

Snap Freeze: 3 points

Inner Flame: 1 point

Devouring Blaze: 3 points


Ultimate Skills

Deep Freeze: 1 point

Prime Deep Freeze: 1 point

Supreme Deep Freeze: 1 point

Permafrost: 3 points

Hoarfrost: 3 points

Icy Touch: 3 points

Frigid Breeze: 3 points


Key Passive Skill

Avalanche: 1 point

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