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ESO Events 2022: Zeal of Zenithar Guide

에 의해 Michel Z
게시 날짜 2022-05-16
마지막 업데이트 날짜 2024-04-09

The Zeal of Zenithar event is coming to The Elder Scrolls Online on June 30th 2022, and will run until July 12th. It is a festival honoring the Tamrielic god of commerce and hard work. During this event, you can save a lot of TESO gold on house purchases, traveling, gear repairing, etc. Joining the event nets you a lot of excellent rewards, and you also have the opportunity to get the fragments needed for your Indrik mount collection. To know more about the brand new event of ESO, please don't miss this guide shared by hanabef _.



Discounts on a Selection of Items

During the event, the following global effects are in place:

•    The Wayshrine costs will be 75% less.

•    Repair costs will be 50% less.

•    Vendor prices are reduced by 10%. These include Vendors that sell items for Gold, AP, or Tel Var stones, including the Golden Vendor.

•    Crafting inspiration will be increased by 100%.


How to Start the Zeal of Zenithar Event

Go to the Event section of the Crown Store and take a quest called An Offering He Can't Refuse. After getting the quest, talk to Amminus Varo in Belkarth, Craglorn. Speaking to him begins the introduction quest. When you finish the quest, you will get a Zenithar's Delightful Parcel and access to the daily quests.

ESO Events 2022 Zeal of Zenithar Guide - getting An Offering He Can't Refuse event quest in Crown Store

Getting the Event Quest in Crown Store


How to Start Daily Quests

You start the daily quests by talking to Fasaria, near the Shrine of Zenithar. Every day, you can do the quest here, and she will grant you three Event Tickets. 


Zenithar's Delightful Parcels

You can get the Zenithar's Delightful Parcels for completing the introduction quests of the event. But you can get them in other ways as well:


•    A Daily Crafting Writ (1 per day)

•    Master Writ (no limit)

•    Group Arenas, such as Dragonstar or Blackrose Prison, with someone from your Guild.

•    Group Bosses and World events with someone from your Guild.

•    Legerdemain activities such as pickpocketing, opening strongboxes, and thieves' throves.


The Parcels contain the following rewards:

•    Outfit Pages (only from Gold Parcels) 

•    Crafting materials 

•    Crafting Motifs

•    Research Boosters

•    Repair kits

•    Furnishing and Provisioning recipes

•    Imperial City Vault keys

•    Treasure maps and Crafting Survey reports

•    Currency pouches

•    Companion gear


The Style Pages you get from the parcels during this event are called High Rock Spellsword. You can get them from the Impressario by spending your Event Tickets as well. Besides the Style Pages, you can also buy fragments for Soulfire Dragon Illusion pet and Aurelic Quasigriff mount. In addition, the Impressario sells Group Repair Kit and Companion Guild Commendations. But the Companion Guild Commendations are only available for players with level 10 and above. 


Get Indrik Mounts During the Event

Another great thing about this event is the return of Indrik mounts. If you missed the opportunity to get your Indrik mounts, now is your chance to get them! A new NPC named Nenulaure will appear in Belkarth during the event, and she will offer the required fragments for Indriks.

ESO Events 2022 Zeal of Zenithar Guide - Belkarth Festival Ground location

The Belkarth Festival Ground Location


That is all about the new upcoming event of ESO – Zeal of Zenithar. If you like hanabef _'s video, don't forget to subscribe and hit the Like button. Please bookmark our ESO news page for more helpful content in the future. No matter which game you play, your old friend, MmoGah, will keep providing quality service to help you become a millionaire quickly in games.


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