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ESO Events 2024: The Witches Festival Event Guide

에 의해 Michel Z
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The Elder Scrolls Online's Witches Festival is returning in 2024. This time, the event offers a brand new quest for players to complete. In this guide, your old friend, Zurga, will show you how to do the new daily event quest, how to get tickets and reward boxes, and what goodies you can purchase from the event merchants.


2024 Witches Festival Starting Date

In 2024, the Witches Festival event will begin on October 24th and end on November 6th. 

Introductory Quest

The Witches Festival's introductory quest – The Witchmother's Bargain, can be obtained for free in the Crown Store. After taking it, get a pumpkin, some guts, and an essence of death (a drop from any Delve boss).


After collecting all the ingredients, go to one of the Witches Covens and complete the quest there. You can find a Witches Coven in Glenumbra, Auridon, and Stonefalls.

The Witches Coven Location in Glenumbra 

The Witches Coven Location in Glenumbra

The Witches Coven Location in Auridon

The Witches Coven Location in Auridon

The Witches Coven Location in Stonefalls

The Witches Coven Location in Stonefalls

New Daily Quest

Find the Priest Maxien Roundille and take the quest from him. He will ask you to rescue three guys, and the first one is in Grahtwood.



Talk to Thalien in Grahtwood, enter the Portal to Detritus, run through the labyrinth, and examine the Flamequench Bloom.


Farvyn Rolas

Go to Deshaan, travel to Detritus via the portal, and examine the Letter from Farvyn's Mother.



After freeing Farvyn Rolas, go to Stormhaven. Talk to Gatzug, travel to Detritus via the portal, and use the Bloody Battleaxe.


Lord Hollowjack

Lord Hollowjack Trophy

Lord Hollowjack Trophy

After rescuing all of the three guys, return to Priest Maxien Roudille. After talking to him, there will be a final battle with Lord Hollowjack. According to the developers, you can defeat this enemy in a group of 6 to 12 players. As a reward for killing Lord Hollowjack, you get a Trophy: Lord Hollowjack.


Reward Boxes and Event Tickets

You will get ten gold-quality Dremora Plunder Skulls per day for the first boss you kill in the Arena, Crowborne Horror, Delve, Dungeon, Incursion, Infinite Archive, Lord Hollowjack quest, Public Dungeon and Sweeper, Trial, and World Boss. All subsequent repeating kills will give you Plunder Skulls (purple-quality containers). At the same time, you will get two event tickets for the first gold box you receive each day.

To make sure you're all set for taking down those bosses quickly, it's a good idea to gear up your ESO character with some solid armor, weapons, and helpful consumables.


Plucking the Crow Quest

The Plucking the Crow quest gives you the Crowborne Horror box, and the quest giver is Taerma in the coven. It is best to take this quest before opening the Plunder Skulls we mentioned above, as you will need to collect 30 cursed feathers that drop from the Plunder Skulls. Without the quest, the feathers will not drop. After collecting the feathers, you can pluck the crow. By the way, you can also kill the boss in a group.


Reward Box Content

Eltheric Revenant Outfit Style

Senchal Horned Owl Pet

Senchal Horned Owl Pet

•     Dremora Plunder Skulls have a chance to drop:

•     Dremora Motif Chapter Pages

•     Witches Festival Writs Which Award You with Hollowjack Style Pages

•     Glenmoril Treasure Maps

•     Glenmoril Wyrd Armor Outfit Style Page

•     Crowborne Hunter Outfit Style Pages

•     Eltheric Revenant Outfit Style Pages (NEW)

•     Plunder Skull Blunder Memento (NEW)

•     Senchal Horned Owl Pet Fragments (NEW)


Plunder Skulls can contain various kinds of rewards, including the following:

•     Alchemy Reagents

•     Festival-Themed Furnishing Recipes and Furnishing

•     Festival-Themed Provisioning Recipes

•     Festival-Themed Treasure

•     A Small Chance for a Hollowjack Style Item or Dremora Style Items

•     Worms, Crawlers, Guts, and Insect Parts


The Impresario

Haven of the Five Companions House

The Impresario will be selling the following goodies:

•     All Fragments of the Molag Bal Illusion Imp Pet

•     All Eltheric Revenant Style Pages

•     Two Fragments of the Haven of the Five Companions House

•     Feathers for summoning the Senchal Horned Owl Pet

•     Hollowjack Lantern, Ouroboros

•     Plunder Skull Blunder

•     Ruby Candlefly Gathering

•     Specimen Jar, Spare Brain

•     Vampiric Container, Yello Liquid

•     Vampiric Lamp, Azure Tall

•     Vampiric Lightpost, Azure Single

•     Webs, Cone

•     Witches Grab Bag

•     Impresario's Group Repair Kit

•     Companion Fighter's Guild Commendation

•     Companion Mages Guild Commendation

•     Companion Undaunted Guild Commendation


The event merchant's assistant will also appear and sell fragments from previous events.


Indrik Vendor

The Indrik Vendor is still in Craglorn near Belkarth. She sells fragments for Indrik mounts and two pets.


That is everything you need to know about the upcoming Witches Festival of The Elder Scrolls Online. Last but not least, if you like Zurga's video, make sure to give a thumbs up and subscribe to her channel.


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