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Feelings and Experiences from a Senior in Riders of Icarus

에 의해 Leo Jiang
게시 날짜 
마지막 업데이트 날짜 

In Riders of Icarus, different players have the different ideas about this game, and I will talk about some advices and hopefully it will make your game easier in this post and meanwhile we can share some useful information.

Feelings and Experiences from a Senior in Riders of Icarus


In this game taming the mounts are the most important thing and you had better to start taming them from level 1 because you only get 100 taming points/day and you don't want to waste them! By pressing B will bring up the Bestiary which will tell you what you need to tame for a specific reward.

Your taming points also reset every time when you level up, so don't put off your bestiary collection until 25.



Hakain's Crossing: Familiar Collector's Saddle

Brakarr Forest: Familiar Collector's Claws

Sea of Hakanas: Familiar Collector's Soul Stone


Set Effects: (2) - Health +575 (3) - Familiar Altitude +100; Move Speed +8% 

TipsI recommend using a Taming Success Booster for the following:

Gilded Benthic


Agnas The Red


Feelings and Experiences from a Senior in Riders of Icarus

Leveling Up: In order to not get under-level I recommend getting all the side quest you come along because it will help you a lot on your way to max level and will also help you learn the game better. If you get under-level just do the repeatable quest and you should be fine.


Getting Ellun: Pay attention to daily/weekly/monthly achievements. Check out the missions boards in Sansupus, Northern Watchtower, and the little camp near the Foothills Camp. Get 10 duel victories for each class for 2 ellun each, which is easily achievable by challenging the gold spammers, some of whom don't have the duel option blocked. Look through all your achievements filtered by reward. Try to do the ones that give ellun. Use Ellun of what I recommend is to farm Ellun and buy at least 3 Bags with 16 slots for a bigger inventory. After you have enough inventory space just invest it in taming potions for the familiar named above.

Feelings and Experiences from a Senior in Riders of Icarus

Use of Ellun: You get three 8-slot bags through questing, leaving one bag slot empty, which means buying three 16-slot bags only nets 32 inventory spaces, since two of the 16-slotters replace 2 of the 8-slotters. That's a total of 32 inventory spaces gained for 150 ellun. If you look at upgrading your bank first, here are the ellun costs for the first 5 upgrades, all netting 8 slots each: 3, 7, 10, 14, and 17. That’s 40 slots for 51 elluns. I don't remember how much the last couple cost, but it seems to me a far better deal to upgrade your bank first. You just have to make sure you aren't hoarding everything in your inventory.

Feelings and Experiences from a Senior in Riders of Icarus

Tempering: I recommend to only temper your items up to around 9 because the level cap is so low and in the future the items will not matter because as the level cap increases new sets of armor will appear and so the current one will be "outdated". Why 9? Because from +10 its get permanently bound which means you won’t be able to sell it anymore. If this is your first character, it can be quite easy to stay broke from buying extractors and dismantling/tempering every time you replace a piece. If the game feels easy, you don't need to temper anything. When you start to drag a little, temper some of your items up. I wouldn't temper much until you start getting yellows from dungeons. If you get anything that is high or very high quality that you can't use, make sure you extract that for a better chance at higher stones.


If the game feels easy, you don't need to temper anything. When you start to drag a little, temper some of your items up. You wouldn't temper much until you start getting yellows from dungeons. If you get anything that is high or very high quality that you can't use, make sure you extract that for a better chance at higher stones.

Feelings and Experiences from a Senior in Riders of Icarus

Farming Gold at a high level

Solo a dungeon and sell what you got as a drop. Farm rare items that have a high price on AH (Auction House). Farm materials for alchemy and try to craft the best potions then sell them on AH. > Solo the highest Elite and Heroics that you can without spending too much time and pots/food/bandages. Sell the worst gear to vendors, put good gear on the auction house, and dismantle highs/very highs that you aren't using. Tame things that sell well on the auction house. Bring common familiars to lvl 20 before sealing, but bring elites to lvl 25. Don't forget new content is coming next week. There will be lots more stuff to farm and sell, and mobs themselves will drop more coin.


Solo the highest Elite and Heroics that you can without spending too much time and pots/food/bandages. Sell the worst gear to vendors, put good gear on the auction house, and dismantle highs/very highs that you aren't using. Tame things that sell well on the auction house.


The above is the guide from a senior player, more information welcome you to visit Mmogah.com. In addition to this, if you have requirement of buying safe ROI Gold and ROI Powerleveling, you will get good service and reasonable price.


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