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FFXIV Dawntrail Patch 7.1 - Jueno: The First Walk Alliance Raid Guide

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Jueno: The First Walk is a new 24-player Alliance Raid introduced in Final Fantasy XIV's Dawntrail Patch 7.1. Inspired by the classic Final Fantasy XI, this raid brings a nostalgic and challenging experience to the world of Eorzea. Players are taken to iconic locations from FFXI, such as Lower Jeuno and the Boyahda Tree, and face off against formidable bosses like Prishe of the Distant Chains, Fafnir the Forgotten, the Ark Angels, and the Shadow Lord. Luckily, SamsonGrey shared a guide to defeating the four bosses in this raid on his YouTube channel. Whether you're a veteran adventurer or new to alliance raids, this guide will help you navigate through the intricate mechanics and formidable bosses. If you need some Dawntrail gold to prepare for this raid, MmoGah can be a good option. Having been in the market for nearly 20 years, we provide reliable gold-selling services for worldwide gamers. Now, let's dive into the article!


 FFXIV Dawntrail Patch 7.1 - Jueno: The First Walk Alliance Raid Guide


How to Unlock

  • Complete the Main Scenario Quest 'Dawntrail'.
  • Reach Level 100: Your character must be a level 100 Disciple of War or Magic.
  • Accept the Quest 'An Otherworldly Encounter': This quest is given by the Hoobigo Messenger in Tuliyollal (X:13.0, Y:11.5), near the main Aetheryte.
  • Follow the Questline: The quest will take you to Mamook in Yak Tel, where you'll meet an Elvaan adventurer and proceed through a series of cutscenes and tasks.


Once unlocked, you can access the raid via the Duty Finder under Raids (Dawntrail) or by using the nearby entrance.


Boss One: Prishe of the Distant Chains

Banishga: Raid-wide damage


Knuckle Sandwich: Closely watch the boss's arm. She will spin it around one, two, or three times. The number of spins correlates to the size of the AoE impact.

• One arm spin: Only the first center circle.

• Two spins: Two circles from the center.

• Three spins: All three circles.


You need to stand at the edge of the correct explosion in order to run straight into it after it goes off to avoid a follow-up donut of equal size.


Nullifying Dropkick: Triple tankbuster. All tanks should stack.


Banish Storm: Two and later three Staves will have arrows indicating the direction in which pathing AoE will move out. Find a safe spot, and don't be in line with any of the arrows.


Holy: Spread marker AoEs on random players.


Crystalline Thorns/Auroral Uppercut: Same as the first mechanic. You need to count the number of times she spins her arms. This time:

• One spin: The Shortest distance.

• Two spins: Mid-distance.

• Three spins: Long distance.


Banishga IV: Raid wide damage and spawns orbs. Dial animations indicate these orbs are about to go off, so move away from each set as they animate.


Asuran Fists: Full-party multi-hit stack. The boss will now combine the previous AoE mechanics with the same arm windup ones to distract you from counting the arm spins. Stay vigilant to count when you see Knuckle Sandwich or Auroral Uppercut cast.


Boss Two: Fafnir the Forgotten

Dark Matter Blast: Raid wide damage.


Offensive Posture: One of three AoEs based on the boss's animation:

• Tail raised and glowing: Huge side conal with a safe spot being a pizza slice shape directly in front of the boss.

• Flying and glowing feet: Large circle AoE in the center, much bigger than the boss's hitbox, so stand well back.

• Flying and glowing mouth: Donut safe spot inside the hitbox. Stand under the boss's head for the next mechanic. The boss will quickly follow up with the large circle AoE center version, but this time, the fire ring on the outside will limit where you can dodge, which will also gradually start to disappear starting from where it was first applied. Hence, standing near the head previously will allow you to be positioned for a swift exit when the fire there disappears first.


Baleful Breath: Repeated group stack.


Sharp Spike: Tankbusters and everyone else stay away.


Hurricane Wing: Repeated hard-hitting raid wide. Healers, be on your toes. The following is a heavy AoE dodge section. You'll have to contend with either an AoE that pulses out in the middle or the opposite that pulses from the outside. Be sure to focus on this one, wait for the animation to go off, and then dodge through it. Also, be very wary of the large tornadoes, which will pretty much kill you.


Absolute Terror: Huge line AoE through the center. Dodge to either of the boss's sides.


Second Darter adds/Winged Terror: You may miss the boss cast here as you'll be targeting the adds. Pay attention to the boss's wings glowing purple. Move to the center, as this will be large AoEs on either side of the arena.


Horrid Roar: Small AoEs baited on players. Move away to the side.


Boss Three: the Ark Angels

This encounter has five bosses: Ark Angel MR, Ark Angel EV, Ark Angel HM, Ark Angel GK, and Ark Angel TT. Each party will get tethered to their own boss. They can only attack their own boss initially. Note that there is no value in splitting the bosses apart at any point in the fight. Keep them centered where possible. There will be a series of mechanics to handle:


Three AoE Tankbusters: Spread away from the tanks.


Evil Eye AoE Patterns: First, we'll get two back-to-back cross AoE patterns. The evil eye will go off when the second set of cross AoEs go off, so ensure you are facing away from it at this point. A large AoE will then immediately grow out. Run to avoid this, but aim to move back towards its center for a follow-up donut, which is easy to get caught. Before the donut, there'll also be a pizza slice AoE to dodge. Dodge these towards where the donut will be.


The Mage Boss Ark Angel TT will cast meteors, which will be interrupted by the team fighting it. There will then be rotating AoEs. Stand behind any one of them based on the rotation direction and follow as they all move. This is followed by a knockback to position in the center. There'll then be three party stacks. Stack in your individual parties, which should be easy given everyone should be with their own party on their own boss.


Guillotine: The mage boss will move to one side and cast a very large arena AoE, for which you need to be behind him. Note if you keep all the bosses centered, it makes it much easier to see when the mage boss is going to do his attacks, as he always moves off towards a side, and you may not be targeted.


Transition to Ark Angel EV and HM: For the rest of the fight, you're free to attack anyone.


Dominion Slash/Utsusemi: raid-wide. Three players will then get tethers to the bosses, indicating they need to run away and stay away from the bosses who will give chase. There will also be pulse AoEs for everyone else to dodge, ending with a large cross AoE through the center.


Holy: Raid Wide


Mijin Gakure: Quickly kill the boss shielding, then interrupt the attack of the adds behind.


Large red AoE line/circle pattern: Watch the AoE's path for a safe spot, but stay centered until you see where the final large circle of AoE will be so you can ensure you dodge on the opposite arena side to it. There will always be multiple safe spots where you can stand for the whole mechanic. All the bosses will eventually be present and repeat the previous mechanics. Pay particular attention to the mage boss Ark Angel TT's movement to avoid/interrupt its attacks. Others are all telegraphed in plenty of time to dodge.


Boss Four: the Shadow Lord

Giga Slash: Boss will indicate an order of left-right AoEs and then, later in the fight, a front or back third AoE. The side attacks both curve way past the center line, so dodge the side attacks in line with the little arrows on the sides of the boss's hitbox. The animation can be hard to follow, so try to position behind the boss for a better view. Move to the side away from the first animation, then dodge across after it triggers.


Umbra Smash: An order of four-line AoEs in a cross. Each will go off and then trigger more AoEs pulsing from them. Stand by the first or second line, put down and dodge into it after it goes off, then weave around the subsequent AoEs as they appear.


Flames of Hatred: Raid wide


Implosion: circle AoEs, a bit bigger than the boss's hitbox, plus a half-arena AoE on the side on which the boss's orb grows larger. Move out directly in front or behind the boss and concentrate on the orbs to determine which side's going to be safe.


Cthonic Fury: Arena Change. Four rings will then appear. Spikes on each will indicate whether it's inside or outside of the ring is safe. For example, if the spikes are facing outwards, then the safe spot is inside the ring. The second time around, a second set of spikes in a square means you need to position on the correct side of them as well as in or out of the rings.


Dark Nebula: Positioned to be knocked back from one circle to another. Later, this will be a series of four knockbacks. You need to pay attention to the position of the first and second, moving to be knocked back by the first to the side from which the second is emanating. This will set you up to essentially be knocked in a rotation around the arena.


Echoes of Agony: Full party stack.


Nightfall: Heavy raid-wide plus boss transition.


Giga Slash: will now add the additional third front or back swipe.


Shadow Spawn: Summons two clones. Clones will mirror the boss's attacks. The boss will start with a triple Giga Slash. Look for the clone who will now be indicating another Giga Slash, though this will only be a two-hitter. The boss will then quickly follow with Implosion, which will then also be done by the second clone.


Unbridled Rage: Line tankbuster on each tank. No one should stand in line with the tanks, followed by spread markers.


Binding Sigil: Series of AoEs. They will overlap, but their centers won't. Remember one of the first sets and move into its center as soon as it goes off.


Damning Strikes: Three party stacks. Try your best to split into three parties to cover each.


Umbra Smash/Nightfall: Same cross pattern from the start of the fight. After the first one resolves, the clones will repeat the same from the intercardinal.

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