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FFXIV Patch 4.1 - The Legend Returns Is Scheduled to Release in Early October

에 의해 Helen Keller
게시 날짜 2017-09-05
마지막 업데이트 날짜 2023-12-21

Final Fantasy XIV Patch 4.1, The Legend Returns, is scheduled to release in early October. Let’s see the main updates listed in the official forum. MmoGah (No.1 ffxiv gil and ffxiv power leveling selling website) lists all of the update points in the following parts.

New Main Scenario Quests

Once you complete the new main scenario quest series, the official says that they believe you’ll be able to go to the menagerie area once more!


New Dungeon - The Drowned City of Skalla

As the official has mentioned previously, there will be one new instanced dungeon for the odd numbered patches, and they’ll use their resources towards various other tasks.


New Trial

In an article it was reported that the Extreme version of the trial would contain mechanics from the normal mode; however, this was a minor misunderstanding. In actuality, the official included mechanics that was originally planned for the Extreme version into the normal mode.


Shinryu - The Royal Menagerie (Extreme) (The Minstrel’s Ballad: ???)

This time, the official would like those who were able to clear Omega: Deltascape (Savage) v2.0, but struggling with v3.0, to challenge this. You can imagine something like the Minstrel’s Ballad: Thordan’s Reign.


New Sidequests

A new chapter in the Hildibrand series will begin. This time around, it will be like a preview episode. Additionally, the official will introduce the Kojin beast tribe quests. They tried some different things, so please look forward to it!


The rewards are also little bit different when compared to before. The official is planning to discuss these in the next Letter from the Produce LIVE.


New PvP Content - Rival Wings

In this PvP content players will be separated into two teams of 24 - the Ravens and the Falcons. Players will be able to ride goblin mechs and do battle. Riding them will grant access to specific actions. There are very strong machina as well, so if you ride them, you’ll be able to use powerful actions, which can be used to turn the tide of battle. The official would like players to enjoy this new content after completing the newest main scenario, so they’re planning to release this around Patch 4.15.


Battle System-related

The official will continue to make job-related adjustments.

The Crystal Tower will be adjusted so it can be challenged with 1 tank, 2 healers, and 5 DPS like the other alliance raids.


The Lost Canals of Uznair Update

While exploring the Lost Canals of Uznair, players will have a chance to obtain a new map. After exiting the canals, decipher the map to delve deeper into the submerged chambers. There players will be challenged to put their greed to the test, for example, it’ll ask if you would like to double down and such. The official is aiming to make it so it can be played casually with everyone.


Adventurer Squadron Updates

The official is introducing dungeon exploration for the adventurer squadron. They’ll add more dungeons that can be challenged in future updates. Players are strong, so please help support your squadron members through these challenges! There is also a Limit Break specifically for the adventurer squadrons. They’re also increasing the level cap for the squadron members, and glamour is unlocked once they reach level 51.


Housing Updates

Sorry for the wait! It’s finally calming down, so the official will begin the sale of plots in Shirogane along with Patch 4.1 release. Therefore, they won’t open the servers before the scheduled Patch 4.1 maintenance time (please keep this in mind)!


Players will be able to swim in all the residential areas. For Limsa Lominsa there’s a beach, so not much has changed there. Shirogane was built with swimming in mind from the beginning.


The official will be making changes to the maps for the Goblet and Lavender Beds. The Goblet will have a roman-style pool; imagine a pool that nobles might play in. For the Lavender Beds, they imaged a stream in the woods. They would like to introduce them in the next Letter from the Producer LIVE, covering part 2 of Patch 4.1.


Cross-World Functionality Update


Alliance Raids

With the introduction of Return to Ivalice, in order for many players to enjoy, it will become possible to make cross world alliance parties.


PvP Custom Matches

Players will be able to start cross-world custom matches. With this feature, you’ll be able to hold practice matches and such.


Friend Registration

Players will be register friends across Worlds. You’ll be able to register them to your friend list through the contact list.



Players will be able to send /tells between Worlds.


The official is also planning big things in Patch 4.2, and 4.3 as well. There are other things which they believe players will enjoy, so please look forward to more details in the future.


New Extreme Difficulty Content - “Ultimate” Series

The general concept behind this series is to serve as the “ultimate”-level of difficult content which can only be completed by groups that complete the hardest content at that time.


The first one is the Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate). If you see the screenshot, you can see enemies other than Bahamut...


Players will receive a weapon as a reward. The item level is the same as Omega: Deltascape (Savage) v4.0; however, the official believes the design will really stand out. Also, upon completion, players will receive a token which can be used to exchange for any weapon they would like, so by completing it once, you’re guaranteed a weapon of your choice. There is no update in item level in Patch 4.1, so the official is focusing on the final adjustments to the difficulty. Furthermore, there isn’t any weekly limit to this, so you’ll be able to complete it as much as you want.


Return to Ivalice

In the world of FFXIV, the Final Fantasy Tactics story is a well-known fairy tale known by anyone from Garlemald. Keeping the FFT story as a base, it also has an essence of FFXII. Return to Ivalice has been designed in such a way that those who do not know either of these can also enjoy it as well. Players will enter Rabanastre as the first part of their journey.


The patch art features Ramza and Delita, and was drawn by Akihiko Yoshida.


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