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FFXIV Seasonal Event: The Starlight Celebration Merry Christmas!

에 의해 John Ryan
게시 날짜 
마지막 업데이트 날짜 

Firstly, as your loyal friend Mmogah wishes all of the Final Fantasy XIV players: Merry Christmas! As before, FFXIV holds the Christmas-themed event Starlight Celebration to celebrate 2015 Christmas Day. Did you take part in it? Do you get the event items now? If you have no idea about the event, don’t worry. Let’s see the Starlight Celebration together with Mmogah!

FFXIV Seasonal Event: The Starlight Celebration Merry Christmas!

“Sweet Silver Bells Sing with Cheerful Rings and Fill the Realm with Joy!” Starlight Celebration is coming! If you are tired of farming in dungeons or FATEs, don’t miss the Starlight Celebration 2015. It requires the players to be level 15 or higher. It is easy for all players to take part in, just follow Mmogah to have a look.

Event Schedule

From Friday, December 18, 2015 at 12:00 a.m. to Thursday, December 31, 2015 at 6:59 a.m. (PST)

Event Items

Reindeer Antlers (Lv.1 Head), Reindeer Gloves (Lv.1 Hands), Reindeer Hooves (Lv.1 Feet), Saint's Cap (Lv.1 Head).

Starlight Sentinel (Furnishing), Starlight Ornament (Wall-mounted), Twin Star Ornament (Wall-mounted).

FFXIV Seasonal Event: The Starlight Celebration Mmogah

How to Participate

A reporter for the Harbor Herald has been inquiring about this year's celebration and suspects something is amiss. Fearing the planning committee has struck a sour note in their preparations, she seeks an adventurer to set right their plans of Starlight merriment.

For Whom the Starlight Bell Tolls

Quest Location: Limsa Lominsa, Upper Decks – Collys

FFXIV The Starlight Celebration Mmogah

On the eve of Christmas Day, you can not only take part in the Starlight Celebration but also the celebration at Mmogah. From Dec.10 to Dec.31 (PST), you could use the coupon code “Chtistmas” at Mmogah to get 5%off for FFXIV Gil, FFXIV Power Leveling and any other game gold.

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