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The Ten Rarest Titles in Final Fantasy XIV 2023

에 의해 Nightmare
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You could do many things in Final Fantasy XIV, and getting more achievements is one of them. Most of the achievements you can do at any time, so whenever you get bored doing other things, you can also switch to get the achievements you are interested in.


Here is a list of the ten hardest achievements in 2023. Check out to see which you already have and which you don't.


Ultimate Thrillseeker


The achievements data are from FFXIV Collect.


If you lack Gil when grinding for achievements or need more Gil to buy treasure maps, you could buy FFXIV Gil easily from MmoGah at low prices but with high service quality and fast delivery speed.


10. Ultimate Thrillseeker 0.4% (451 Players) Patch 2.1

This achievement is under Battle/The Hunt, Bring Your S Game VI, which is by slaying 5000 rank S elite marks. You can join a Discord or Linkshell for the S rank hunt notifications, then rush there immediately for the kill.


9. Olympian 0.3% (442 Players) Patch 6.3

This achievement is under Battle/Treasure Hunt, Let None but Gymnasts Enter Here IV. You can achieve this by conquering the final trial in the Shifting Gymnasion Agonon 20 times.


This one is relatively easy compared to the one above because this one is from not long ago.


8. Mahjong Master 0.3% (379 Players) Patch 4.45

This achievement is under Character/Gold Saucer, Tile and Error III. You need to achieve a mahjong rating of more than 2000. It is hard to get because there are chances you might lose, it's not only about play skills but also some lucks in it.


7. Invoker of Gods 0.3% (369 Players) Patch 4.4

This achievement is under Battle/Treasure Hunt, The Deepest End IV. You must complete the final invocation in the Shifting Altars of Uznair 20 times. You also need luck for this one. Otherwise, it is going to take a very long time to get.


6. Lord/Lady of Verminion 0.2% (270 Players) Patch 3.1

This achievement is under Character/Gold Saucer, A Load of Verminion IV. You must win 300 Lord of Verminion player battle (RP) matches.


5. Ascendant Ascetic 0.1% (217 Players) Patch 6.45

This achievement is under Battle/Dungeons, Moving A Savage Mountain. You need to complete the criterion dungeon Another Mount Rokkon (Savage). Savage dungeons are always hard to clear, don't give up upon a few wipes; you will get it eventually.


Another Mount Rokkon


If you are afraid of savage dungeons, check out our former article: How to Become a Hardcore Raider in FFXIV.


4. Forbidden Blue 0% (94 Players) Patch 6.45

This achievement is under Battle, Bluetopia. You need to obtain the achievements "Mightier than the Gate," "Mightier than the Verse," and "Mightier than the Promise" with a party of only blue mages.


3. Hoarder 0% (84 Players) Patch 4.35

This achievement is also under Battle/Dungeons, For the Hoard V. You need to discover 10000 pieces of the Accursed Hoard.


2. The Luckiest of Ladies/Lords 0% (69 Players) Patch 4.1

This achievement is under Battle/Treasure Hunt, The Deeper End IV. You need to raid the deepest sluice in the Hidden Canals of Uznair 20 times.


1. The Accursed 0% (32 Players) Patch 6.35

This achievement is under Battle/Dungeons, For the Hoard VI. You need to discover 20000 pieces of the Accursed Hoard.


The number of players with the achievements above constantly changes because players are always working on them somewhere in the world.


Thank you for reading, and good luck on getting more achievements.


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