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Fortnite: Save the World Is Getting New Halloween Quests

By Michel Z
게시 날짜 
마지막 업데이트 날짜 

The development team shared an update on their plans for Fortnite: Save the World last week. That includes news on the next Canny Valley story content being released during season 6, along with new locations to visit. But there was no news on when the new Save the World free codes would be shared.


However, it appears that Epic Games has some solid plans for Halloween. According to the latest info shared by data miners, Save the World is getting new Halloween quests. More than 10 new quests will be released as part of the returning Fortnitemares event on all platforms. The power rating on some of these missions goes as high as level 58 and will be released in the coming weeks.


The Top Tier quest is The Haunting Never Dies - You are now ready to take on the hauntings in Canny Valley. There will be plenty to do in the coming weeks for Save the World fans, making it a good time to be playing, and MmoGah offers different types of Fortnite Items for you to take down the husks in the new quests.


The last segment of the Save the World update blog may have also caught fan attention too. According the official Fortnite YouTube channel, new free heroes would be coming to the game in the near future, along with more “surprises”. This will be confirmed in the coming weeks, meaning it will probably include the newly leaked quests. It might also include news about the new F2P update; however, that remains speculation at this time.


It’s still unknown how Epic Games will go about supporting Save the World after it makes the switch to F2P. Some believe that free V-Bucks farming will be removed, or at least significantly reduced, to make way for some kind of microtransaction support. Keep checking back for more new and guides related to Fortnite Items on our Fortnite news page.




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