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Guild Wars 2 Super Adventure Festival Is Coming on March 30

에 의해 Cathy Deng
게시 날짜 
마지막 업데이트 날짜 

Super Adventure Festival is a re-release of Super Adventure Box. It is currently set to return on March 30th, 2017 and end on April 20th. Super Adventure Festival will bring back the Super Adventure Box which is a special dungeon with pixelated graphics and a retro soundtrack harkening back to old school platformers. Here Mmogah will share some important information with you.



Super Adventure Box has become an annual part of Guild Wars 2, and it is the most popular festival in the game. If you are one of the GW2 players who misses the Super Adventure Box, today’s announcement from ArenaNet will make you feel excited: the Super Adventure Festival is coming, and it will be running for about a month.


You can dust off your best jumping boots, take up your pointy stick, and get ready to experience Tyria’s most cutting-edge edutainment system: Moto’s Super Adventure Box! You can explore a whole virtual world in beautifully-rendered, three-dimensional graphics. The Super Adventure Festival invites players to go on an epic quest to save Princess Miya, to prove their strength against wizards, assassins and giant frogs, and take on the ultimate challenge of Tribulation Mode where you will be expected to die.


Returning features


Super Adventure Box

  • World 1 - Sunny Glade, Dark Woods, Kingdom of Fungus, Mine Cart
  • World 2 - Rapids, Pain Cliffs, Storm Top, Robbers
  • Infantile, Normal, and Tribulation Mode



First introduced in 2013, the Super Adventure Box took players into a virtual world which had smiling clouds, rainbows and beautiful green fields. Essentially, the mode of guild wars 2 is a platformer. The players’ skills just exist in the box, and players can unlock more weapon skills, along with items like bombs and shovels. By this way, players can further enhance their ability to progress through the world.


There are three difficulties for Super Adventure Box. In Infantile mode: the difficulty is where you can skip over most of the harder jumps via an expressway formed by a smiling cloud's backside. In Normal mode: the difficulty is how to complete all the regular jumps and puzzles. And in Tribulation mode, the difficulty is to find traps, impossible jumps and brutal enemies. Rewards will be increased across the modes and the game also has its own dailies which are helpful and extremely rewarding.


If you can do 3 daily achievements, these will contribute to your Course Work. Super Adventure Festival also grants great rewards for each achievement which has been completed in the form of Bauble Bubbles. Daily achievements involve completing certain worlds, finding hidden chests and rooms, finding certain Easter eggs and etc.



There are lots of things to say about Super Adventure Festival, like decorations and hidden game references, but the best way to enjoy this festival is to enjoy it in guild wars 2. The festival starts on the 30th of March and ends on April 20th, so you have lots of time to enjoy the pixelated world of Super Adventure Box!


If you want to know more news about GW2, you can access Mmogah. Guild Wars 2 attracts more and more players since it has become more interesting. Just like in other MMOs, if you don’t have enough time to improve your level, you can buy guild wars 2 items and guild wars 2 gold directly. Mmogah is definitely one of the best gw2 items and gw2 gold suppliers nowadays. It has more than 10 years’ experience in the gaming industry and has good reputation among GW2 players. Whenever you need to buy GW2 Items, or you have requirement in GW2 Gold, our Live Chat is 24/7 online.


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