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Lost Ark Ultimate Damage Guide: How to Do More Damage

에 의해 Jessie
게시 날짜 
마지막 업데이트 날짜 

Today, this guide is about gaining as much power as possible without spending much time. We will share the best ways to go about it to get the best bang for your buck. Let's get into it.


Lost Ark Ultimate Damage Guide


Before we start, it's important to note that these specific numbers were from Glaivier. I tested these numbers and these percentages with three classes: Glaivier, Berserker, and Deathblade. I chose them because they all use different relic gear and depend on different stats. So I thought it would be cool to see that variation; the percentages are all very close to this, within two percent or so on.


If you're not familiar with this 5*3 with level 5 gem setup, this is the base setup for our chart here.


Lost Ark Ultimate Damage Guide-The Base Setup


You need to pay attention to it because you must know how to spend your gold. Later, once you finally reach this, you can get as much power as possible for as cheap as possible.


First, I have 5*3 with level 5 gems, and my base damage is 6.74 million.


5*3 With Level 7 Gems

The next step to increase your damage for the lowest cost will be 5*3 with level 7 gems, which will cost you around 120k, and you will get about 10% damage out of it. And it not only increases your damage but reduces your cooldowns as well. So you're attacking faster with more damage, so that's why it gives you a nice little increase there.


5*3+1 With Level 7 Gems

The next best step is to go 5*3 plus one with level 7 gems. You will get plus one engraving. And then you can get around a 5.5% damage increase. Doing both level 7 plus getting a 5*3+1 will be about a 16% damage increase and cost about 240k gold.


Now you might be in a place where you're at 5*3 with level 7 gems, but you're not 1540 yet. You can't get ancient accessories to make it a viable option to go 5*3+1. If that is the case, then the next step you need to focus on and spin your gold on is honing, not level 9 and level 10 gems. Even though the gems are at a very low point right now, it's still not even close to worth it.


So let's talk about honing. For example, taking Glavor from 1517 to 1560, the only difference was that one weapon hone and three ancient pieces were a 25.6% damage increase and cost around 260k, which is an even better increase than spending 240k gold for a 16% damage increase. Honing is powerful, so ideally, your logical steps for increasing your power as quickly as possible for as cheap as possible and being efficient is 5*3 with level 7 gems, then a 5*3+1. If you're not 1540 yet between these two stages, you need to be honing. That is where you're going to get the biggest damage increase. After you get 5*3+1, the next thing you need to do is continue honing up to the point where you're at an ilvl that you can do all of the in-game activities. And getting the best items and the best gear is where you should spend your money because it will not only allow you to get the best gear and the best items, etc., but it also increases your damage the most.


5*3 With Level 9 Gems Or Level 10 Gems

Before buying level 9 or level 10 gems, you need to know the level 9 and level 10 gems.


For most classes, going level 9 gems, we will use 5% damage gems and six cooldown gems. It will cost you around a million gold and give you about an 11% damage increase, which is not that much of an increase over 5*3+1 with level 7 gems. So you can buy level 9 gems when you are at 5*3+1 with level 7 gems. You also need to be doing the highest-tier content to get the best items, etc.


You can start buying level 9 or level 10 gems when you have excess gold because it will cost a lot to get them. And you won't even be getting that much of a damage increase.


The only exception to this rule is if you are a transformation class or most of your damage comes from one skill, for example, Surge Deathblade.


And if you need more information about this guide, you can check itsDubla's video on YouTube, who is a professional Lost Ark Gamer.



Question 1: Is it worth pushing for weapon quality or not?

Answer: It isn't the way. Imagine spending 80k gold and not hitting a single quality upgrade when you could spend that 80k on honing or a level 9 gem, etc., and get guaranteed power.


Question 2: I would love to know the minimum accessories quality average I should get to spend the less gold possible.

Answer: For NA East, when I try to save gold on my alt account when buying accessories, the sweet spot is somewhere around high green/low blue quality, between 60-75. This is typically when you see prices rise dramatically for a certain accessory.


Question 3: I'm 4x3 currently with level 5 gems. Should I worry about getting 5x3 next? Or go to level 7 gems? Which one would give me more power?

Answer: You'll undoubtedly get more power from going 5x3 instead of level 7 gems. It depends on a few things, but you'll get around 16% extra damage by getting 5x3 for around 100-150k, depending on the books you need to buy, etc. There are several factors, but in general, go 5x3 first!



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