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2017 Runefest Stage Schedules Are Released

에 의해 Michel Z
게시 날짜 
마지막 업데이트 날짜 

Runefest, as the annual convention and real-world event for RuneScape players, is approaching fast, and with this year’s 'Back to our Roots' theme it's set to be the definitive IRL RuneScape experience. RuneFest has been teasing the Varrock Stage sessions on Twitter before, and now the full set is released, MmoGah shares the latest schedules with players who have placed orders for RuneScape Gold and OSRS Gold.



The Schedules below show you when the latest and greatest Runefest content is happening:

•11:00: Welcome to Runefest | RS Mobile

•12:00: Streamer & YouTube Creator Q&A

•13:00: Old School – The Next 12 Months

•14:00: RuneScape Reveals

•15:00: The Golden Gnomes

•16:30: Break

•17:30: Deadman Tournament Finale

•19:00: The Dark Room

•20:00: Break

•20:30: After Party


Are you interested in an in-depth look at a specific area of the game? The Circus Stage is the place to be:

•12:00: Art & Audio Showcase

•13:00: RuneScape Skilling

•14:00: The Old School Quiz

•15:00: Break

•16:30: RuneScape Combat

•17:30: RuneScape Lore Marathon


The Golden Gnome Award categories are confirmed too. Look out for more info soon on how to nominate your favourite content creators.




•Video of the Year (combined)

•Best New Video Maker (combined)

•Best Video Maker (RS, OS)

•Best Streamer (RS, OS)



•Best New Streamer (combined)

•Best Streamer (RS, OS)



•Best Artistic Creation



•Most Creative Cosplay

•Best Cosplay


The RuneScape Team has also added the information to the Runefest Website, you can check back there regularly for more information. Please stay tuned to our RuneScape news page, we will share more about the game with you. With over 10 year experience in this range, MmoGah is a professional RS Gold seller that you can absolutely trust in, you can contact us any time you like if you want to buy RuneScape Gold in our store, our Live Chat is 24/7 online.


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