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WoW Classic WotLK Emblems Overview

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WotLK Classic is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for fans of the MMORPG genre, and it features many currencies, such as important WoW WotLK gold and emblems, to provide players with a realistic gameplay experience. Emblems are the special currencies for raids and dungeons in WotLK.


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To earn these emblems, you have to do a lot of grinding. This grinding includes completing a lot of quests. Once you have enough of these emblems, you can go to any special vendor on the game map to purchase gear items from them. The best use of these emblems includes purchasing full sets of tiered armor gear.


To purchase gear items of a specific tier, you will need a specific type of emblem. If you have too many low-level emblems in the bag, don't worry, as you can use them to purchase heirlooms with them. They are a new addition to the game that was included in the recent update of the Wrath of the Lich King.


For now, there are only two types of emblems in the game. Below are the two emblems and more details about each emblem.


Emblem of Heroism - To earn the emblem of heroism, you need to complete some specific quests and defeat some heroic bosses on the game map. With these emblems, you can purchase tier seven gear set pieces or level two hundred gear. You can also purchase heirlooms and frost orbs with it.


Emblem of Valor - To earn emblems of valor, you have to complete daily heroic dungeon quests. You can also defeat bosses in obsidian sanctuary and Naxxramas. With these emblems, players can get tier seven-point-five gear set pieces or gear of level two hundred and thirteen.


The original Wrath of the Lich King featured five emblems, but they were reduced to only two in the Classic version. They will be released in the future updates of the Classic version of the game.


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How to Earn the Emblem of Heroism?

To earn the emblem of heroism, you will have to opt for one of the three methods. These methods are given below.


You can kill heroic bosses and complete heroic dungeons. This method is repeatable, which means you can earn a lot of emblems through this method.


You have to finish the Northrend quest lines to get these emblems. This method isn't repeatable at all.


The third method takes you to the virtual market, where you can trade the emblem of valor with the emblem of heroism. This is one-ratio-one trading which is also downgrading, but it's worth it.


Emblems of valor are high-level, while the emblem of heroism is low-level. Thanks to the new reward system in Wrath of the Lich King Classic, players can now get an emblem of heroism as a reward for completing Northrend quests. These quests are called the Northrend adventuring supplies. For now, more than one hundred and fifty supply quests are available in the game.


There is a chance that these emblems will be dropped when you complete these quests, but these quests are totally worth the effort. These quests are available towards the end of the storylines, which includes phasing. These emblems were added to the list of rewards to encourage players to phase out more frequently.


How to Convert Emblems?

To get the emblem of heroism, you can also trade in other higher-level emblems that you have in the bag. You have to go to the goblin bank and meet with Usuri Brightcoin to convert these emblems. The goblin bank is located in the underbelly near the crows and the cantrips.


How to Earn Emblem of Valor?

To earn the emblem of valor in Classic WotLK Classic, you have two different methods.



The first method is to simply take part in ten-player and twenty-five-player Obsidian sanctum raids and Naxxramus raids and reach the end stage to defeat the final boss.



The second method is to complete the desired daily heroic dungeon quest from the available four options. To get these quests, you have to go to the Dalaran and meet Archmage Lan'dalock. He can be found near the violet hold. Here are the quests that you should complete to get the two-times emblem of valor.


Proof of Demise: Anub'arak

Proof of Demise: Cyanigosa

Proof of Demise: Gal'darah

Proof of Demise: King Ymiron


How to Purchase Items with Emblems?

To purchase items with emblems, you need to go to the faction area on the game map and meet with quartermasters there. In each faction area, there are three quartermasters. They will sell you gear items and heirlooms in return for the emblem of valor and an emblem of heroism. You can also purchase some of these items from other vendors in Dalaran, but the complete list is available to purchase at these quartermasters.


The alliance area is located in the western silver enclave area, and you have to go upstairs to access it. Below is the exact location of all the available alliance quartermasters, along with their relevant items.


Meet the Arcanist Ivrenne, who is the quartermaster of the Emblem of Heroism at 38.0 54.2.

Meet the Arcanist Adurin, who is the quartermaster of the Emblem of Valor at 38.0 55.8.

Meet the Enchanter Isian, who is the quartermaster of the Heirloom Vendor at 37.2 57.4.


Here are the locations of the horde quartermasters that are located in the Achievement zone draenor 01.pngSunreaver's Sanctuary area. You have to access this area through the center stairs.


Meet the Magistrix Lambriesse, who is the quartermaster of the Emblem of Heroism at 65.6 24.2.

Meet the Magister Brasael, who is the quartermaster of the Emblem of Valor at 65.6 23.6.

Meet the Enchanter Erodin, who is the quartermaster of the Heirloom Vendor at 65.0 22.6.


Best Items to Purchase with Emblem of Heroism

All the items that you can buy using the emblem of heroism are level two hundred items. To use the gear, you should reach level 80. The shop shows the most appropriate gear items for each class only. To purchase a complete set of gear items, you will need around two hundred emblems of heroism. Purchasing WoW WotLK boost may help you quickly max out your character. Here are some of the best emblem of heroism items that you can purchase, along with their price.


Armor Tokens

Chestguard of the Lost Conqueror is available for eighty emblems of heroism. Paladins, Priest, and Warlock can wear it.

Chestguard of the Lost Protector is available for eighty emblems of heroism. Hunter, Shaman, and Warrior can wear it.

Chestguard of the Lost Vanquisher is available for eighty emblems of heroism. Death Knight, Druid, Mage, and Rogue can wear it.


Cloth Armor

Savage Gladiator's Felweave Raiment is a Chest piece for the Warlock class that can be purchased for forty-five emblems.

Savage Gladiator's Felweave Cowl is a shoulder piece for the Warlock class that can be purchased for forty-five emblems.

Savage Gladiator's Felweave Trousers is a leg piece for the Warlock class that can be purchased for forty-five emblems.


Leather Armor

Savage Gladiator's Leather Tunic is a Chest piece for the Rogue class that can be purchased for forty-five emblems.

Savage Gladiator's Leather Helm is a headpiece for the Rogue class that can be purchased for forty-five emblems.

Savage Gladiator's Leather Legguards is a leg piece for the Rogue class that can be purchased for forty-five emblems.


Mail Armor

Savage Gladiator's Linked Armor is a Chest piece for the Shaman class that can be purchased for forty-five emblems.

Savage Gladiator's Linked Helm is a headpiece for the Shaman class that can be purchased for forty-five emblems.

Savage Gladiator's Linked Leggings is a leg piece for the Shaman class that can be purchased for forty-five emblems.


Plate Armor

Savage Gladiator's Plate Chestpiece is a Chest piece for the Warrior class that can be purchased for forty-five emblems.

Savage Gladiator's Plate Helm is a headpiece for the Warrior class that can be purchased for forty-five emblems.

Savage Gladiator's Plate Legguards is a leg piece for the Warrior class that can be purchased for forty-five emblems.


Necklaces and Trinkets

Lattice Choker of Light is a Neck that can be purchased for twenty-five emblems.

Mirror of Truth is a Trinket that can be purchased for forty emblems.


Weapons, Offhands, and Shields

Grasscutter is a Sword that can be purchased for fifty emblems.

Rolfsen's Ripper is a Dagger (Off) that can be purchased for fifty emblems.

Pride is a Fist Weapon that can be purchased for fifty emblems.

Lillehoff's Winged Blades is a Thrown Weapon that can be purchased for fifteen emblems.

Handbook of Obscure Remedies is an Offhand that can be purchased for twenty-five emblems.

Protective Barricade of the Light is a Shield that can be purchased for forty emblems.


Idols, Librams, Reagents, Sigils, and Totems

The idol of Lush Moss is an Idol that can be purchased for fifteen emblems.

Libram of Obstruction is a Libram that can be purchased for fifteen emblems.

Sigil of the Unfaltering Knight is a Sigil that can be purchased for fifteen emblems.

Totem of Forest Growth is a Totem that can be purchased for fifteen emblems.

Frozen Orb is a Reagent that can be purchased for ten emblems.


Best Items to Purchase with Emblems of Valor

The minimum character level requirement to wear these items is eighty. MmoGah.com is offering a ten percent discount on all purchases for Christmas, so grab the discount.


Armor Tokens

Legplates of the Lost Protector is available for seventy-five emblems of valor. Hunter, Shaman, and Warrior can wear it.

Legplates of the Lost Vanquisher is available for seventy-five emblems of valor. Death Knight, Druid, Mage, and Rogue can wear it.


Cloth Armor

Hateful Gladiator's Felweave Raiment is a Chest piece for the Warlock class that can be purchased for forty-five emblems.

Hateful Gladiator's Felweave Trousers is a Chest piece for the Warlock class that can be purchased for forty-five emblems.


Leather Armor

Hateful Gladiator's Leather Tunic is a Chest piece for the Rogue class that can be purchased for forty-five emblems.

Hateful Gladiator's Leather Legguards is a leg piece for the Rogue class that can be purchased for forty-five emblems.


Mail Armor

Hateful Gladiator's Chain Helm is a Headpiece for the Hunter class that can be purchased for forty-five emblems.

Hateful Gladiator's Chain Armor is a Chest piece for the Hunter class that can be purchased for forty-five emblems.

Hateful Gladiator's Chain Leggings is a Legs piece for the Hunter class that can be purchased for forty-five emblems.


Plate Armor

Hateful Gladiator's Plate Chestpiece is a Chest piece for the Warrior class that can be purchased for forty-five emblems.

Hateful Gladiator's Plate Legguards is a leg piece for the Warrior class that can be purchased for forty-five emblems.



Platinum Mesh Cloak is a Back piece that is available for twenty-five emblems.



Signet of the Impregnable Fortress is a Finger piece that is available for twenty-five emblems.







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