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OTK Hardcore Mak'gora Tournament Will Begin on Oct 6

에 의해 Shirley Huang
게시 날짜 
마지막 업데이트 날짜 

OTK Network and Starforge Systems will have a Mak'gora Tournament on Classic Hardcore realms from Oct 6 to Oct 31, with a prize pool of $100,000! This is the largest Warcraft dueling tournament in history.


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Players will be expected to level from 1 to 60 and eventually compete in a Mak'gora Duel to the Death Tournament with only one player remaining. 


The OTK Hardcore Mak'gora Tournament is a special event that combines the challenge of the Hardcore mode and the thrill of the Mak'gora duels in World of Warcraft Classic. You have to be careful not to die, so it requires you to have enough Hardcore WoW gold to buy the items you need.


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Competitors will have close to a month to create new characters, level, and gear them as best as possible before facing off in the ultimate battle on Oct 31 - the Mak'Gora! The event has a prize pool of $100,000, which will be distributed among the top 16 finalists. The event consists of three stages:

Creating Character

Players have to create a new Horde character on the Skull Rock Hardcore Realm (NA) with the suffix "SFMG" in their name. They have to register their character on Raider.IO and join the guild . Character creation opens on Oct 6 and closes on Oct 30.


Leveling Up and Gearing

Players have to level up their character to 60 and gear up as much as possible, following the Hardcore rules. They can use any class, race, spec, and profession they want. They can also team up with other SFMG players for quests and dungeons but not for raids. They have to avoid dying at all costs, as death means disqualification. Leveling and gearing ends on Oct 30 at 11:59 am CST.


Qualifiers and Finals

Players have to compete in a series of Mak'gora duels, which are one-on-one fights to the death. The qualifiers will take place on Oct 30 at 12 pm CST, where players will be randomly matched against each other in a single-elimination bracket. The top 16 players will advance to the finals, which will take place on Oct 31 at 12 pm CST. The finals will be broadcast live on Esfand's Twitch Channel. The finals will also follow a single-elimination bracket, with each round having a different set of rules and restrictions.


Many players can't wait for this tournament's coming. Enjoy your game!




Related Links:

WoW Hardcore Leveling Guide

WoW Hardcore Gold Farming Guide


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