FFXI Gardening Guide

By Danikhan Sun Oct 16 2022 16:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Gardening in Final Fantasy XI may be a real pain, but every once in a while, you'll reap a beautiful crop and enjoy yourself in the process. It takes time and care, plus gil is frequently required for "higher" plants. There are several speculations concerning FFXI gardening but very few facts. This article will provide some helpful information to start your gardening adventures.

Basic Tips for Gardening

It is advisable to purchase a workbench or a maple table. Gardening is ideal for gathering materials for crafts. Growing your own seeds is the most cost-effective approach to farm. Additionally, planting on a good day and examining the crops the correct number of times might increase your chances of collecting the most lucrative items.

Gardening requires a significant amount of time and effort. The more time and money you put into gardening, the more probable it is that you will benefit. You must be able to check your plants at least once every day. This limits where you may travel in the game since you must be in town to check your plants. It would be best if you also utilized a strategy to keep track of time in the game since the day of the week your garden is essential.

Maximize the Use of Resources Available

You may plant and harvest without having much of an understanding of what you are doing when you are just starting out, but if you want to become serious about it, you should look up seed recipes and have some idea of what you want to achieve. You can figure out what seed in what pot with what crystal will produce a specific collection of goods. Planting on a proper day and inspecting the plant an adequate number of times might sometimes increase your chances of harvesting the item that will provide you with the most return on your investment.

There is no simple method to produce plants and become a millionaire in FFXI unless you spend some real-world money. Gardening is ideal for gathering materials for crafts. It is possible to cultivate marketable products in certain circumstances; nonetheless, choosing the most suitable Auction House to sell your plants for the highest possible price is challenging. Prices may fluctuate quickly, mainly if the item is in high demand.

Take Calculated Risks

Growing your own plants from seeds is the most cost-effective gardening method, provided you have the time to wander about and cut down saplings. Drop rates can vary by area.  A career or skill that produces a good amount of gil is very beneficial in gardening. In Asura, seeds range up to 9k per stack. Fruit seeds and tree seedlings may sell for between 1 and 8,000. If you spend that much money on seeds, you better know what you're doing.

Seeds and Pots

Saplings in the north and south Gustaberg are where you would find Vegetable Seeds. Grain Seeds are similar to vegetable seeds. Fruit Seeds are obtained from Saplings in Batalia Downs. Herb Seeds are best gathered from saplings found in Konchtat Highlands, La Theine Plateau, and Tahrongi Canyon.  Tree Cuttings are dropped off of any gobbue. Tree Saplings are harvested by planting a Tree Cutting. Sabotender cactuars drop Cactus Stems. Plus, Bastok’s unrepeatable task, “When You Wish Upon a Star" also rewards four cactus stems.

For pots, there are four kinds of pots. The Ceramic Flowerpot can be found in North San d'Oria - Near Ranperre Gate. The Brass Flowerpot, made of bronze, is found at Bastok Mines - Boytz's Knicknacks. The cheap Earthen Flowerpot is found at Windurst Waters - Ensasa's Catalyst Shop. All these pots cost around 1000G. The last, Porcelain Flowerpot, is a bit more expensive. However, it doesn’t have a fixed price.

Basic Methodology

Firstly, you will want to fill one or more pots with seeds and crystals and place them in your moghouse's "Mog Safe." After that, speak to your moogle and pick the "Layout" option before placing the pot, or pots, as decorations in your home. Then again, talk to your moogle and select "Garden." Following that, you will choose the pot where you want to plant the seed, then the choice to sow seeds, and finally, the seed you want to grow.

After that, check it daily by picking the pot and then the option to inspect it. At some point, depending on the kind of seed, a new option will arise, an option to Fertilize the plant with a crystal. At times your moogle will always state, "The plant doesn't seem to be doing well," or something similar during this stage. This is something that is normal. Continue to inspect it every day; whether it is a Fruit seed, Tree Cutting, Cactus stem, or Tree Sapling, it will be ready to fertilize again at some time.

After a certain amount of time, your plant will begin to glow. Once you select that plant, you will notice that there is a harvest option. After harvesting, you will get goods from the plant, and your pot will be ready for a new plant.

When you select the "Dry Flowers" option, which is accessible at all times, the development of the plant will be halted, and the pot will be turned into a decorative item. If you choose to proceed in this manner, you will not be able to acquire any things; nevertheless, the object will maintain its appearance and may be used to adorn your mog home.


In conclusion, gardening is something that should not be done just for the sake of making money, as this would be a waste of time and effort. Instead, it should be done for enjoyment, for the sake of a challenge, or even to enhance the overall game experience. Gardening is a good option for players who would instead not continually search for gil among foes with low health or camp in NMs for long periods.

It's possible that this will be useful and will be able to guide new gardeners in the direction of information that will aid them with their research. It could also persuade others to begin gardening.