News & Guides

ESO Events 2025: Jester's Festival Event Guide

By Michel Z
Published on Mar 17, 2025
Last updated on Mar 17, 2025

In The Elder Scrolls Online, the Jester's Festival is one of the few events that offers a 100% experience boost for all sources. In addition to gaining experience, players can also earn various rewards throughout the event. In this guide, Zurga outlines the activities available during the Jester's Festival. During the event, you will have access to event tickets, the Impresario's store, and Holiday Achievement vendors located in major cities. These vendors will feature new furnishings themed around the Jester's Festival.



Jester's Festival Event Starting Date 2025

In 2025, the Jester's Festival will start on March 27th and last until April 3rd.


How to Get Started

The event quest is called “The Jester's Festival”, which you can obtain for free at the Crown Store. After that, head to one of the holiday tents located in Stonefalls, Auridon, or Glenumbra. There, you'll find the jester to complete the quest.

First-time Participants: If this is your first Jester's Festival, you will be rewarded with a memento called "The Pie of Misrule."

Returning Players: Veteran players will receive only gold.

During the event, you will enjoy a 100% experience bonus, which is applied automatically—no action is required on your part!


Daily Quests and Rewards

ESO Alliance MImicry outfit

Each day, you can earn three event tickets, one gold-quality reward box, and several purple-quanlity reward boxes by completing festive daily quests.

The first quest grants you event tickets and a Stupendous Jester's Festival box (gold quality), while subsequent quests provide Jester's Festival boxes (purple quality). During the event, quests are available in Stonefalls, Auridon, Glenumbra, and Stormhaven, with a total of 7 daily quests.

Stupendous Jester's Festival Box Content

•   Jester's Deadly Headband Adornment

•   Jester's Alliance Mimicry Style pages

•   Mementos

•   Recipes

•   Sovereign Sow pet fragments

•   Previous years' style pages

•   Cadwell's Kitchen weapon style pages

•   Festive Noise Maker Parts for the Festive Noise Maker

•   Joke Popper Parts for the Jester's Festival Joke Popper

•   Mirth Shards for Playful Prankster's Surprise Box memento

•   Revelry Shards for Cadwell's Surprise Box memento

•   High-value Treasures

Jester's Festival Box Content

ESO jesters festival rewards 2025 p1

ESO jesters festival rewards 2025 p2

The purple-quality reward boxes offer rewards similar to the gold ones but primarily include furnishings, consumable toys, recipes, and treasures.

•   Consumable Festive Dazzlers

•   Cherry Blossom Confetti

•   Revelry Pies

•   Recipes

•   A random unbound page for either the Broom or Bucket styles

•   Jester's Festival Garland, Long Flags (New furnishing item)

•   Jester's Festival Garland, Short Flags (New furnishing item)

•   Jester's Festival Plaque, King Boar (New furnishing item)

•   Jester's Festival Plaque, Queen Boar(New furnishing item)

•   Jester's Festival Rug, Star (New furnishing item)

•   Jester's Festival Rug, Swirls (New furnishing item)

•   Jester's Festival Sign (New furnishing item)

•   Jester's Festival Wreath (New furnishing item)


Holiday Achievement Vendor

This year, the Holiday Achievement vendors will offer an expanded selection of new Jester's Festival-themed furnishings. These furnishings can be purchased with ESO coins or found in holiday boxes.



All Achievements are returning ones; no new additions have been made this year.



The Impresario will sell all the fragments needed for the Stongwisp of Truth and Law pet and Logical Rune Extraction action, Jester's Deadly Headband, bound style pages for the Jester's Alliance Mimicry, etc.

Impresario's Assistant

The Impresario's assistant will provide items available during the past events. It is a good opportunity to grab the things you missed out during the past events.

•   Bound Scrap of Minstrel's Cloth for the Jester's Daedroth Suit

•   Hide Shoulders armor style

•   Aurora Firepot Spider pet instructions

•   Unstable Morpholith pet fragments

•   Soulfire Dragon Illusion pet fragments 

•   Sacred Hourglass of Alkosh Furnishing fragments

•   Doomchar Plateau house fragments


Indrik Vendor

You can find the Indrik Vendor in Craglorn. She offers two pets, feathers, and berries for mounts:

•   All four feathers for the Nascent Indrik mount

•   All four berries for the Spectral Indrik mount

•   All four berries for the Dawnwood Indrik mount

•   Springtide Indrik Pet

•   Haunting Indrik Pet


Final Tips

With its vibrant quests and whimsical rewards, the Jester's Festival is a perfect opportunity to enjoy ESO while earning exclusive loot. Don't forget to log in daily to maximize your event tickets and snag those rare items! Last but not least, please don't forget to subscribe to Zurga's channel for more helpful content related to The Elder Scrolls Online.


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