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The New Jewelry Crafting Preview & Guide of the ESO: Summerset

By Delia Woolf
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Jewelry Crafting arrives as part of the ESO: Summerset Chapter on June 5 for Xbox One and PlayStation®4 and early access on May 21 for PC/Mac. With The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset, you can craft and improve your own rings and necklaces!

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Creating your own custom necklaces and rings is a very similar process to the other Crafting Skill Lines, and it should feel familiar to you if you enjoy crafting in The ESO. However, in some respects, Jewelry Crafting is more complex with regards how you acquire materials and research Traits, meaning that you'll need to put more effort into developing your craft than usual.

The traditional methods of acquiring legendary (gold) rings and necklaces will remain very important and become even more useful moving forward.

If you want to truly master the art of Jewelry Crafting, you must develop the Skill Line and travel all over Tamriel to collect the right materials. But if you do, you'll be richly rewarded with powerful and valuable new gear!

Learn more you need to know about the new Jewelry Crafting Skill Line (including the six new Traits) .



In order to make use of Jewelry Crafting, you must own ESO: Summerset. You are not able to use a Jewelry Crafting Station if you do not own the new Chapter. This includes Jewelry Crafting stations purchased from Master Writ Merchants and placed in player homes (including your own).

If you don't own ESO: Summerset, you can still harvest the Jewelry Crafting resource nodes in the wild or acquire items with the new Jewelry Crafting Traits, but you can't make use of the resources you harvest to create or improve rings or necklaces. You can, however, still put those items and materials on guild stores or give them to your friends or guildmates to craft with.

If you don’t have many time and energy to harvest the Jewelry Crafting resource nodes in the wild or acquire items with the new Jewelry Crafting Traits. To save your time and energy, maybe you need to buy some Elder Scrolls Online Items instead of the boring harvesting. Why not just choose an easy way to get more fun from the game?



With ESO: Summerset, you can find new Jewelry Crafting Stations located near the other Crafting Stations already found in Tamriel, such as those situated within the cities and crafted set locations.

This means you can create necklaces and rings for all of the game's crafted sets, such as Julianos or Hunding's Rage. Note that like the other Crafting Skill Lines, crafting jewelry set items requires knowledge of a certain amount of Traits. For example, to craft a ring for the Hunding's Rage set, you must have six or more Traits researched for rings.



At Jewelry Crafting Stations, you can:

Create new jewelry, using your base and Trait materials.

Refine Jewelry Crafting materials, allowing you to create refined base, Trait, and upgrade materials from their raw components.

Deconstruct jewelry to acquire some of their component materials.

Note: You can only deconstruct jewelry acquired after the release of ESO: Summerset. If you are unsure if an item can be deconstructed, check its tooltip.

Upgrade jewelry to improve their power using upgrade materials.

Research Jewelry Traits, allowing you to unlock the ability to craft items with specific Traits.

You can purchase Jewelry Crafting Stations for your homes from Master Writ Merchants, but don't forget: if you don't have access to ESO: Summerset, you cannot use it.



To create your own jewelry, you must harvest unique Jewelry Crafting nodes called “Seams" and collect the unrefined material called “Dust." You can then refine this material into “Ounces" to use in your crafting. Seams appear in the same kinds of places that Blacksmithing nodes appear—in rocky outcroppings, cliff faces, and other stony areas—and they can be found all over the Tamriel. Dust gathered from Seams can be harvested by anyone, whether they own ESO: Summerset or not, but they can only be refined into Ounces at the Jewelry Crafting Station.

Based on both your Engraver passive level and character level, you are able to harvest different types of Dust:

•Levels 1-25 Pewter

•Levels 26-50 Copper

•Champion Level 10-60 Silver

•Champion Level 70-140 Electrum

•Champion Level 150-160 Platinum



You can use Jewelry Crafting Traits to apply unique bonuses to your items. In addition to the traditional Arcane, Healthy, and Robust Traits, ESO: Summerset includes six new ones.

Acquiring the ability and materials to craft items with these Traits is similar in some respects to traditional Crafting Skill Lines, but there are some key differences with regards to how you can acquire jewelry with these Traits and their materials.

The new Jewelry Crafting Traits and their materials have to be sought from very specific sources that are thematically appropriate to them, much like the way the Nirnhoned Traits for Weapons and Armor are tied to Craglorn.

You can find information on each Trait and how to acquire it and its component materials below.


Trait effect: Increases Max Magicka.

Researchable Item: Necklaces and rings with the Arcane Trait drop randomly all over Tamriel.

Trait Material: Cobalt. Acquired by refining Jewelry Crafting base materials.


Trait effect: Increases Max Health.

Researchable Item: Necklaces and rings with the Healthy Trait drop randomly all over Tamriel.

Trait Material: Antimony. Acquired by refining Jewelry Crafting base materials.


Trait effect: Increases Max Stamina.

Researchable Item: Necklaces and rings with the Robust Trait drop randomly all over Tamriel.

Trait Material: Zinc. Acquired either by refining Jewelry Crafting base materials.


Trait effect: Increases Physical and Spell Resistance

Researchable Item: Necklaces and rings with the Protective Trait have a rare chance to be found within Undaunted chests.

Trait Material: Titanium. Acquired as part of daily dungeon rewards in the raw form and, rarely, in refined form. In order to create Titanium, you must refine 10 pieces of the material in its raw form.


Trait effect: Increases Health, Stamina, & Magicka

Researchable Item: A researchable ring is awarded at the end of the Summerset main quest line and a researchable necklace is awarded at the end of the Psijic Order quest line.

Trait Material: Dawn-Prism. Acquired from Jewelry Crafting Nodes throughout Tamriel with a higher chance to be found in Summerset. In order to create Dawn-Prism, you must refine 10 pieces of the material in its pulverized (raw) form.


Trait effect: Increases Enchantment Effectiveness

Researchable Item: Necklaces and rings with the Infused Trait have a chance to drop from Psijic Portals, found all over Tamriel.

Trait Material: Aurbic Amber. Acquired from Psijic Portals, with a rare chance for a refined form. Note that Psijic Portals only appear if you have the new Psijic Order Skill Line. In order to create Aurbic Amber, you must refine 10 pieces of the material in its pulverized (raw) form.


Trait effect: Increases Movement Speed

Researchable Item: Necklaces and rings with the Swift Trait have a rare chance to be awarded when completing normal Jewelry Crating Writs.

Trait Material: Gilding Wax. Purchased from Master Writ Merchants for Writ Vouchers.


Trait effect: Increases Synergy Effectiveness

Researchable Item: Necklaces and rings with the Harmony Trait have a chance to be awarded as part of the regular rewards for completing weekly Trial quests. Note that reward boxes from Trial quests completed before the release of ESO: Summerset do not contain jewelry with the Harmony Trait.

Trait Material: Dibellium. High chance to be acquired in refined form from weekly Trial quest rewards.


Trait effect: Increases Damage against low-health foes

Researchable Item: Necklaces and rings with the Bloodthirsty Trait have a chance to be awarded when you complete the new Cyrodiil daily board quests (note, not the repeatable quests).

Trait Material: Slaughterstone. Acquired in refined form from the War Researcher vendor in Cyrodiil for Alliance Points.

In addition, as with weapons and armor, you can deconstruct jewelry with one of the new Traits to gain the material needed to craft a ring or necklace in that trait. When you deconstruct jewelry, you will only ever obtain a Pulverized form of its Trait material, which you must refine into a usable form.



Finally, if you wish, you can acquire Trait items from other players, too. Acquiring rings and necklaces with these new Traits and the Trait materials themselves takes you all over Tamriel and makes you participate in a wide variety of activities.



In order to upgrade rings and necklaces, crafted or looted, you need to use a Jewelry Crafting Station and have the required materials.

•Fine (Green) Quality – Terne

•Superior (Blue) Quality – Iridium

•Epic (Purple) Quality – Zircon

•Legendary (Gold) Quality – Chromium

You can acquire upgrade materials by refining Dust (the Jewelry Crafting base material) into Ounces. When refining Dust, you have a chance to acquire Grains of the different upgrade materials. You must refine 10 Grains in order to acquire a Bar, and you can use Bars to upgrade your necklaces and rings at a Jewelry Crafting Station.

You can also acquire Grains by deconstructing jewelry of the same quality.



It takes considerable effort to collect the resources required to upgrade your Jewelry Crafting Skill Lines, keeping high-quality jewelry a rare and valuable commodity.



Like traditional Crafting Skill Lines, there are a host of Jewelry Crafting Passive Abilities that you can unlock with Skill Points as you improve your Jewelry Crafting level.

These new Passive Abilities are as follows:

Engraver: Allows you to craft jewelry to a specific level range.

Keen Eye: Jewelry: Highlights Seams in the world.

Jewelry Extraction: Improves your chance to receive materials when deconstructing jewelry.

Lapidary Research: Reduces the time it takes to research a new Jewelry Crafting Trait.

Platings Expertise: Reduces the number of Bars you need to upgrade your jewelry.

Each Passive Ability can be upgraded multiple times, increasing its effectiveness.


With ESO: Summerset's Jewelry Crafting, you'll finally be able to create your own custom rings and necklaces, giving you even more opportunities to tailor your character and build.

The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset is coming to PC/Mac on May 21 and Xbox One and PlayStation®4 June 5. Pre-purchase ESO: Summerset now to receive the Queen's Bounty Pack bonus reward and gain immediate access to the ESO base game and Morrowind Chapter (digital pre-purchases only – conditions apply).


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