There is much like in Path of Exile that should attract a lot of new players for the most part, especially when something new like an expansion comes along. However, it's not surprised at this point to see beginners and people who are interested in playing this game to be afraid. It's well known that Path of Exile is fairly deep and complex, however, it's not the most complex of all online games and its fundamentals are based on the action role-playing games of old.
It's an easy game to learn, but a difficult game to master. Though there's much content and methods to play for those who aren't as hardcore as some players who treat this game as one of their primary points of interest in life that shouldn't be big of a deal for casual players. Grinding Gear Games has done a good job with catering this game to as wide a demographic as a game of its kind, which may not seem much but is still quite something.
As mentioned, the first thing that discourages new players in this game is complexity. There are a lot of details to this game that you have to bite hard to finish. The basics may be easy enough to understand, you move around and interact with the mouse, but it dives deeper and deeper when more you play. Then you learn more about the passive skill tree and what gems and Path of Exile Items do, more or less you're lost in the abyss if it isn't for online guides and tutorials. So you should prepare more poe exalted orbs and chaos orbs, etc.
In order to get the most out of this game, there's quite a lot you have to do. Players invest a bit of time and energy into forging their dream characters, and the journey doesn't really end so quickly. When you take your first character as far as it can go, you may want to go with a different character with a different build, or perhaps even a different league. In order to see more of the game there’s much to do, and even more is being added as time passes.
In order to add investment, you'll be nervous when you decide to play in hardcore leagues, once dying means you make your character kick down to the standard league. That may not sound bad, but the point of playing in the hardcore league is to not die, so it's a shame to put a lot of time into a character then gets killed by a monster. But then again, that's what gives the game more thrill and excitement.
There are some other things like some performance issues and even scams by other players who may unethical and opportunistic with this game. Grinding Gear Games constantly battle against, the latter is avoided by constant vigilance, common sense, and support from many good guys in the community and Grinding Gear Games. Enjoying this game need not be intimidating at all. More PoE Currency you have, you will feel reliable.
While to newbies, these may seem quite scary, you know that they're present in most other online role-playing games. The differences between those games and PoE are continued quality development and support by PoE and the PoE community. They make this game great to play even if you are the beginners.