Channeling Skills in Path of Exile

By Leo Jiang

In Path of Exile, the channeled skills are added in Atlas of Worlds. These skills are unique in that players and activate skill and continue activating the skill until they release the key that activates it to begin with, namely Incinerate, Flameblast and Wither. In order to keep the skill going, players pay mana repeatedly when the mana supplies are depleted. In order to maintain the channeling skill for the same frequency and duration, the mana cost is required to be applied.


Also, channeling skills can be interrupted by mechanics in game, and these mechanics include various injuries, being stunned, dying, and other mechanics that interrupt other non-channeling skills. For Path of Exile players, survivability is one of the biggest concerns when activating channeling skills since vulnerability becomes an issue.

However, the developers have stated channeling skills well with casting speed and attack speed at Grinding Gear Games, which makes the player to be able to dodge well and reposition when engaging in combat. Meanwhile, they have intimated that currently they are entertaining the adding support gems that trigger while channeling skills are active. If this comes to fruition, they will be the most useful and sought-after Path of Exile Items to obtain.


While using channeling skills include Block and Dodge, Evasion, the most effective mechanics for mitigating damage and avoiding getting hurt Fortify, movement skills, and awareness can enable gamers to mitigate damage while in the midst of an active channeling skill.


Theoretically, any setup can increase survivability while using passive defenses would be a good fit for players who use channeling skills religiously. Essentially, building your character along the lines of an Aegis Tank Fire Ray also makes perfect sense, because of the high Energy Shield and Life pools afforded by going this route. For example, a Righteous Fire with Vortex Guardian build, as well as a well-leveled Inquisitor with high Life and Mind over Matter skills can prove useful and effective.


While using a channeling skill, Arctic Armour is another formidable defensive skill that players can activate. It protects players against fire damage and physical while the character is stationary. With a generous 2.5 seconds afforded at the baseline level, the trail of ground ice in Arctic Armour is scalable, this is plenty of time for players to increase survivability when using a channeling skill.

Players have other options when managing skills, much like managing PoE Currency. Instead of self-casting channeling skills individually as needed, players can put these skills on the Spell Totem. By doing so, they have the potential to strengthen the channeling skill to astonishing levels of destruction. You can also manage poe exalted orb for reaching the effect.


In the meantime, if a strong offense proves to be the most effective defense, then players adopt and stick to the strategy to increase survivability. In fact, invoking the Spell Totem for channeling skills become a problematic strategy, especially if the developers become cognizant of any overuse or imbalance in strength favoring savvy players who use the Spell Totem to put their channeling skills. For more poe news, please visit