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Elden Ring Best Samurai Builds 2024

作者: Shirley Huang

Elden Ring is a highly anticipated action role-playing game that allows players to customize their character's build and weapon choices. There are many possible combinations of Elden Ring runes, skills, weapons, and armor that can suit different playstyles and preferences.


Samurai class is a great choice for players who want to use Katanas and bows, as it has high Dexterity, Strength, Endurance, and Vigor. Here are some of the top-rated samurai builds and weapon combos for Elden Ring in 2024.


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Starter Uchigatana | Elden Ring WikiUchigatana & Long Bow Build

This build is ideal for new players, focusing on the Uchigatana's high bleed damage and the Long Bow's ranged capabilities. Key stats to level up are Dexterity and Vigor, aiming for 20-30 in each by mid-game. This build is great for learning fundamental mechanics in a beginner-friendly package.


Bleed Nagakiba Build

Utilizing the Nagakiba Katana with the Double Slash ash of war and the Black Flame Blade incantation, this build quickly becomes overpowered. Key stats include at least 12 Faith and 10 Arcane for the Black Flame Blade incantation, with priorities on Vigor, Endurance, and Dexterity for damage scaling. The focus is on staggering enemies with high-damage bleed builds and fire attacks.


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Ice Dragonscale Blade | Elden Ring Wiki | FandomDragonscale Blade Build

This build features the Dragonscale Blade katana, infused with Ice and lightning damage over time using the Ice Lightning Sword ash of war. It recommends dual wielding for high DPS and includes dragon-themed incantations for ice attacks at range. Key stats focus on Dexterity and Faith, with important talismans selected to boost attack damage. This hybrid melee/magical build delivers frosty damage like an ancient icy samurai-draconic hybrid Warrior.


Ronin Build

This build focuses on dexterity and arcane to deal high bleed damage with the Gargoyle's Twinblade and the Blood Godskin Peeler. It also uses skills like Seppuku and Bloody Slash to inflict more blood loss on enemies. This build is very agile and offensive, capable of quickly dispatching foes with its rapid attacks and bleed effects.


Odachi Build

This build focuses on strength and endurance to wield the powerful Odachi, a massive Katana that can cleave through enemies with ease. It also uses skills like Unstoppable Force and Dragon's Roar to enhance its damage and defense. This build is very resilient and devastating, capable of surviving hits and delivering massive blows with its heavy weapon.


Katana Build

This build focuses on balance and versatility to use the Serpentbone Blade and the Dragonscale Blade, two katanas that have different elemental properties and weapon arts. It also uses skills like Moonveil and Meteoric Ore Blade to switch between fire and ice damage and adapt to different situations. This build is very flexible and efficient, capable of exploiting enemy weaknesses and changing tactics with its dual katanas. If you need some important weapons/armor, you can buy Elden Ring items from a reliable site like MMOGAH.


These builds offer a variety of playstyles, from aggressive bleed-focused combat to a hybrid approach combining melee and magical elements. Each build has its unique strengths, allowing players to tailor their gameplay experience to their preferences.


