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Elden Ring DLC Guide: Top 8 Best Shields and How to Obtain Them

作者: Shirley Huang

In the expansive world of Elden Ring, "Shadow of the Tree" DLC has introduced a plethora of new equipment to aid Tarnished travelers on their journey. Among these are shields that not only offer protection but also enhance offensive capabilities. Acquiring the top shields involves a mix of exploration, combat, and trading. Here's a detailed look at the top 8 shields you'll want to have and how to obtain them.

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1. Erdtree Greatshield

This golden circular shield requires faith to wield effectively. It's unique in that it can dispel and retaliate against sorceries and incantations, making it invaluable against magic-wielding foes.

This shield can be found in areas where faith-based enemies reside. Look for golden-hued enemies or environments that resonate with faith magic.


2. One-Eyed Shield

This stone shield resembles a cyclops's face and can fire a powerful cannon shot of fire damage. It's a heavy option but offers a significant offensive advantage.

To obtain this shield, you'll need to defeat cyclops-like enemies. These are typically found in stony, cavernous areas.


3. Visage Shield

With the appearance of a beast's head, this shield can unleash a flamethrower attack, dealing continuous fire damage to enemies in close proximity.

The flamethrower attack feature of this shield suggests it may be located in areas with fire-based enemies or near smithing grounds.


4. Haligtree Crest Greatshield

A large kite shield with a striking golden and white design. It lacks special abilities but can be upgraded with ashes of war to suit your playstyle.

This shield might be available through merchants or as a reward for completing specific quests related to the golden and white crest.

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5. Fingerprint Stone Shield

It is known for having the highest guard boost in the game; this thick stone slab causes madness buildup on enemies and comes with a shield bash ability. It's heavy, requiring 48 Strength, but its defenses are unmatched.

Given its unique madness buildup, this shield is likely found in areas associated with madness or dropped by enemies that cause such effects.


6. Great Turtle Shell

This shield has a guard boost of 60 and a barricade shield skill that temporarily increases its blocking ability.

This shield is known to be atop a tower in the Weeping Peninsula. You'll need to navigate the tower's defenses to claim it.


7. Inverted Hawk Heater Shield

It has a guard boost of 62 and a parry skill to deflect enemy attacks.

This red and black heater shield can be purchased from a nomadic merchant in the Sea Offer River region. Be prepared with runes Elden Ring to trade.


8. Blue-Gold Kite Shield

It represents the aired tree against a blue sky and boasts a guard boost of 65 and a parry skill.

Similar to the Inverted Hawk Heater Shield, this shield can also be bought from a nomadic merchant, but in the Weeping Peninsula.

If you don't have much time to find and obtain them, you can also buy one or more Elden Ring shields from a reliable third party, like MMOGAH.


Each shield offers a unique blend of defense and utility. Whether you're looking to bolster your defenses, enhance your offensive capabilities, or add a bit of flair to your character, these shields are worth seeking out. Remember, the right shield can turn the tide of battle in your favor, offering not just protection but also a strategic advantage against the myriad challenges that await in the Lands Between. Choose wisely, Tarnished, and may your shield be as steadfast as your resolve.





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