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ESO Update 41 and Scions of Ithelia: How to Get All the New Rewards

作者: Michel Z

The Elder Scrolls Online's Update 41 and Scions of Ithelia DLC were released on March 11th for PC. The new Update and DLC brought two new dungeons and a bunch of other fun content. In this article, ArzyeL Gaming and Tamriel_Tidbits shows you all the new rewards available and how to get them.


Outfit Styles

The good news for fans of the Class Set motifs is that outfit style pages for the Class Sets will begin dropping in the Infinite Archive. When equipped, the outfit styles create the particle effects, just like wearing the armor. However, like the armor, the outfit style pages can only be equipped by the appropriate Classes. You cannot put the Templar outfit Style on an Arcanist, for instance. Please note that you cannot use these styles on your Companions.


In addition to dropping in the Archive, outfit style pages are also obtainable through random runeboxes sold by Filer Tezurs. The runeboxes are random, but they are curated. So, you won't get duplicates.


Near Gear Dropped from New Dungeons


Bedlam Veil Dungeon 

Blind Path Induction and Tarnished Nightmare

Reflected Fury and The Blind

Blind Path Induction (Light) is a support set that boosts damage shields and healing done. 

Tarnished Nightmare (Medium) is a DPS set that deals damage and applies Sundered to enemies. 

Reflected Fury (Heavy) is a support set that deals damage and applies Major Maim to enemies. 

The Blind (Monster) is a support set that grants a damage shield and Minor Force.


The motifs dropped in Bedlam Veil Dungeon are called Blind Path Cultist, and they will drop from the final boss.


Oathsworn Pit Dungeon 

Cinder of Anthelmir and Sluthrug’s Hunger

Black-Grove Grounding and Anthelmir’s Construct

Cinder of Anthelmir (Light) is a DPS set that summons a Cindermoth to deal Flame damage and apply Burning to enemies. 

Sluthrug's Hunger (Medium) is a support set that causes enemies to take more damage while dealing less. 

Black-Grove Grounding (Heavy) is a support set that reduces the cost of Roll Dodge and increases Block Mitigation. 

Anthelmir's Construct (Monster) is a DPS set for heavy attack builds.


The motifs that are dropped in the Oathsworn Pit dungeon are called The Recollection.


New Rewards for the Worthy Sets

The Update 41 also brings three new armor sets that will be added to the Rewards for the Worthy reward containers. Below are the three sets you can earn from these PvP-associated containers.

Oakfather's Retribution and Blunted Blades 

Baan Dar's Blessing

Oakfather's Retribution (Light) is a DPS set that boosts Penetration and damage against enemies with Major and Minor buffs. 

Blunted Blades (Medium) is a support set that applies Minor Enervation to enemies and boosts damage against them. 

Baan Dar's Blessing (Heavy) is a support set that reduces the duration of Crowd Control, Immobilizes, and Snares on you. It also reduces the duration of your Crowd Control, Immobilizes, and Snares.


It is worth noting that if you don't like playing PvP but are interested in the motif appearance of a PvP set, you can always check Guild Traders to see if you can buy some cheap set pieces with your gold. While some sets are highly sought-after and may have a hefty price tag, most of them are reasonably priced.


Mythic Item

Torc of the Last Ayleid King

The Torc of the Last Ayleid King boosts your damage done and healing done by 20% and reduces damage taken by 20%. However, it disables any other set bonus on you.


Dye Color

The Artifact-Hunter Amber dye can be obtained by completing the Retribution Takes Time Achievement. To claim the rewards, you must complete all of the optional content in both the Bedlam Veil Dungeon and the Oathsworn Pit Dungeon. This entails completing two primary Achievements: Seeking Approval and Maelstrom's Lockpick. The Seeking Approval Achievement is earned by completing all three Lodge Leader's Trials. To unlock Maelstrom's Lockpick, you must locate and solve all three puzzles in Bedlam Veil.



For completing the Normal version of the Oathsworn Pit dungeon, you can get a trophy of Aradros. The Bedlam Veil Dungeon gives a trophy of The Blind for completing the Normal mode and a bust of The Blind for the Veteran mode.

 Mirror Barrier Shattered

Mirror Barrier Shattered

Completing the Bedlam Veil Dungeon allows you to purchase the Mirror Barrier, Shattered, which costs about 15,000 gold coins. If you complete the Oathsworn Pit dungeon, you can purchase the Many Paths Monument, which is 20,000 gold. 


New Master Writ Furnishing Plans

The Update 41 brings seven new Master Writ Furnishing plans, which you can get from Rolis Hlaalu.


•     Formula: Apocrypha Light Diffuser, Stalk

•     Diagram: Apocrypha Bookcase Platform 

•     Pattern: Apocrypha Book Press

•     Praxis: Apocrypha Wall, Eye

•     Sketch: Apocrypha Mirror, Intricate

•     Design: Apocrypha Tree, Spore

•     Blueprint: Pergola, Reclaimed Wood


28 New Furnishing Plans from the Infinite Archive

The Update 40 also introduces 28 new Furnishing Plans that you can get from chests in Infinite Archive.


•     Diagram: Apocrypha Bridge, Large Curling

•     Diagram: Apocrypha Bridge, Small 

•     Diagram: Apocrypha Bridge, Small Curling 

•     Diagram: Apocrypha Door, Stone

•     Diagram: Apocrypha Platform, Large 

•     Diagram: Apocrypha Platform, Small

•     Pattern: Apocrypha Alcove, Book Stacks

•     Pattern: Apocrypha Arch, Book Stacks

•     Pattern: Apocrypha Archway, Book Stacks

•     Pattern: Apocrypha Doorway, Book Stacks

•     Pattern: Apocrypha Pillar, Book Stacks

•     Pattern: Apocrypha Wall, Book Stacks 

•     Pattern: Apocrypha Wall, Ramped Book Stacks 

•     Praxis: Apocrypha Alcove, Stone

•     Praxis: Apocrypha Doorway, Stone

•     Praxis: Apocrypha Fence, Curved Stone 

•     Praxis: Apocrypha Fence, Large Curved Stone 

•     Praxis: Apocrypha Fence, Large Stone

•     Praxis: Apocrypha Fence, Stone

•     Praxis: Apocrypha Obelisk 

•     Praxis: Apocrypha Platform, Green Lattice Tile 

•     Praxis: Apocrypha Platform, Inset Center Tile 

•     Praxis: Apocrypha Platform, Lattice Corner Tile 

•     Praxis: Apocrypha Platform, Lattice Tile

•     Praxis: Apocrypha Post, Small Stone 

•     Praxis: Apocrypha Post, Stone 

•     Praxis: Apocrypha Stairway, Stone

•     Praxis: Apocrypha Wall, Stone 


New Pet

the Mirrormoor Mudcrab pet

The Mirrormoor Mudcrab Pet

The Scions of Ithelia opens the Gold Road prologue quest: Prisoner of Fate. Once you finish the quest, you'll get a pet called Mirrormoor Mudcrab.


New Mementos, Skin, and Markings

Update 41 also adds two new Mementos into the game: Malacath Helm Haunt and Echonir Examination. You can earn them by completing the Oathsworn Pit dungeon and the Bedlam Veil Dungeon on Veteran or Harder mode.


Additionally, if you do both of the dungeons on Veteran mode or Harder, you will unlock the new skin – Bloodmarks of Malacath.


In addition to the new skin, Update 41 brings a new set of face and body markings called the Unkindness of Ravens. These markings are available through PvP. To acquire them, you must first purchase the Siege of Cyrodiil Laureate from a Tel Var General Merchant using 100,000 Tel Var Stones. Then, combine it with 50 Siege of Cyrodiil Merits to create a Runebound Tome: Unkindness of Ravens (which will be bound to you). Upon opening the tome, you will receive both the face and body markings.


By the way, if you've been avoiding Cyrodiil because you're not a fan of PvP, you might not be aware that one of the daily missions only involves scouting, which simply requires you to run to the location specified in the quest. While it is possible that you may encounter someone who tries to attack you, you can increase your chances of avoiding other players by joining an empty campaign.


New Titles

The last type of reward you can get is Titles. The Update 41 introduces seven new Titles, each attached to completing an Achievement.


•     The Title "Oathsworn" is unlocked by the "Lighting the Embers" Achievement.

•     The Title "Bedlam's Disciple" is unlocked by the "Unshakable Fervor" Achievement.

•     The Title "Pitmaster" is unlocked by the "Scorched but Surviving" Achievement.

•     The Title "the Self-governing" is unlocked by the "Lithe and Clever" Achievement.

•     The Title "the Vengeful" is unlocked by the "Oathsworn Pit Champion" Achievement.

•     The Title "the Intervener" is unlocked by the "Bedlam Veil Champion" Achievement.

•     The Title "Cake Connoisseur" is unlocked by the "Cake Devourer" Achievement.


Other Update Notes


Repair Kits

All gear repair kits of different levels are unified, removing the kit distinctions. Similarly, all types of repair kits used in Cyrodiil are also unified, meaning there is only one repair kit now.


Stackable Siege Weapons

In Cyrodiil, Siege Weapons can stack up to 20 as long as their health is at maximum.


More Undaunted Key Rewards

The Undaunted have decided to be more generous with their Key rewards. After Update 41, completing a dungeon on Normal mode grants two keys, and completing it on Veteran grants three keys. Lastly, the Veteran Hard mode will grant four keys, instead of two.


Those are all the rewards you can earn from the Update 41 and Scions of Ithelia DLC. If you find these videos helpful, please subscribe to ArzyeL Gaming's and Tamriel_Tidbits's channels and share this article with your friends.


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