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How to Get a Free House in ESO

作者: Michel Z

Do you ever run out of Bank space and need some more places to store your Furnishings in The Elder Scrolls Online? If you do, this is the guide for you. The Lobster Shanty shows you how to get seven houses without spending your hard-earned TESO gold.



Non-Expansion Method 

1. Have a character from each Alliance: Aldmeri Dominion (AD), Daggerfall Covenant (DC), and Ebonheart Pact (EP)

2. Open up the Crown Store, and under "Quest Starters", select the quest "A Room to Spare"

3. Do this for three different characters under three different Alliances: AD, DC, and EP


To have three different houses, you need to have one character from each Alliance: AD, DC, and EP. Then open up the Crown Store and select "A Room to Spare" Housing Brochure under "Quest Starters". A Room to Spare is the quest that allows you to get a house in the region where you are. Once you accept it, the game will tell you what you need to do to obtain the house. 


For example, if you are in a Daggerfall region with your Daggerfall chatacter, talk to Felande Demarie, located in The Rosy Lion in Daggerfall, Glenumbra. After you speak with Felande Demarie and complete the quest, she will give you a free house.


For different Alliances, the free homes are in different places:

•   Daggerfall Inn – The Rosy Lion (Daggerfall Covenant, Glenumbra, Daggerfall)

•   Ebonheart Inn – The Ebony Flask Inn Room (Ebonheart Pact, Stonefalls, Ebonheart)

•   Mara's Kiss Public House – Vulkhel Guard Inn (Aldmeri Dominion, Auridon, Vulkhel Guard)

Expansion Method

1. Have a character present in one of the following regions: Vvardenfell, Summerset, Elsweyr, and Western Skyrim

2. Open up the Crown Store, and under "Quest Starters", select the quest "A Room to Spare"

3. Repeat this on four separate characters for those following regions


To use the Expansion method, you need to have the Expansion packs: Morrowind, Summerset, Elsweyr, and Greymoor. You need to have a character in each of those specific regions, no matter which Alliance you are.


For example, if you are trying to get the Morrowind residence, you need to have a character in Morrowind and accept "A Room to Spare" Housing Brochure in this region. You are going to follow the quest marker, complete the quest, and get the house. To get the last three free rooms, you have to do the same with your characters in Western Skyrim, Elsweyr, and Summerset.


Also, for different Expansions, you will obtain your free ESO homes in different places:

•   Abbey of St. Delyn in Vivec City (Morrowind Expansion)

•   The Golden Gryphon in Alinor (Summerset Expansion)

•   The Sugar Bowl in Rimmen (Elsweyr Expansion)

•   The Lonely Troll in Solitude (Greymoor Expansion)


You will get seven free rooms after you have done all the things above, and each room can hold about 30 Furnishings. For new players, this guide will help you to get more space without having to spend your hard-earned gold.


Note that if you start the quest in an area where you already have the free house, that character will get the same house. For example, if one of your DC characters got The Rosy Lion already, do not use another DC character to accept the quest in a non-Expansion zone. Keep in mind that you only get one free residence per character.


Do you have a house but don't have enough gold for decorations? Please be sure to check out because we sell ESO gold and offer favorable prices and fast deliveries. 


If you like The Lobster Shanty's video, please subscribe to his channel. For more Elder Scrolls Online tips, check out other guides on our ESO news page. If you like to play PvP and PvE by yourself, there is a guide to finding all the Ring of the Pale Order leads quickly in the game. 


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