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The 10 Best XP Farming Locations in ESO 2024

作者: Michel Z

Looking to level up your characters fast in The Elder Scrolls Online? Well, you're in luck! ArzyeL Gaming has got you covered with ten awesome places to earn massive XP (experience) and reach level 50 in no time. Plus, these spots are also perfect for gaining Champion Points and leveling up your Companions. Let's dive in and power level like a pro!



Helpful Gear, Consumables, and Skills for Power Leveling


Training Gear

First things first, before you start grinding, make sure to gear up with some Training gear. This will give you a sweet 7%-11% XP bonus per piece, and the Heartland Conqueror set is a solid choice for doubling weapon Traits and granting an extra 11% XP. Don't forget to switch gear every 10-15 levels if you're below level 50. Blue quality will be enough if you're on a budget.


Potions and Scrolls

Aetherial Ambrosia and Grand Gold Coast Experience Scroll

Aetherial Ambrosia and Grand Gold Coast Experience Scroll

In The Elder Scrolls Online, potions and scrolls are helpful items for getting better XP from your grinding. You can craft those items, buy them from other players, or get them as Daily Rewards.


Double XP Events

ESO's double XP events are great opportunities to earn even better XP gains. During the events, you can stack the event XP bonus with XP potions or scrolls.


AoE Skills

useful AoE skills for XP farming in ESO P1useful AoE skills for XP farming in ESO P2

When it comes to skills, AoE (Area of Effect) skills are the way to go for clearing out groups of enemies quickly and racking up that XP. Each class has its own strong AoE skills, and there are some handy weapon skills to use as well.


Best Locations to Farm for XP in ESO 2024


1. The Vile Manse Public Dungeon

The Vile Manse Public Dungeon location

The Vile Manse Public Dungeon location

The Vile Manse is a Public Dungeon located in the Reaper's March zone (base game). It is one of the best and most popular XP grind places in ESO. You need to complete a short intro quest in the mansion before you can enter the cellar farming area.


This are offers 2 floors. The upper floor is the best for farming, as it has a circular route you can follow. This floor is full of human enemies who also drop gold coins, making the place good for making money as well.


The lower floor also offers a smaller circular route with a mix of human and skeleton enemies.


2. Obsidian Scar Public Dungeon

Obsidian Scar Public Dungeon location

Obsidian Scar Public Dungeon location

The Obsidian Scar Public Dungeon is situated in the Rivenspire zone (base game). It is also highly favored for leveling up.


You can move around inside in a circle, farming groups of humanoid enemies for XP and gold coins. Furthermore, the layout of this dungeon makes it easier to kill bosses for extra loot.


3. Razak's Wheel Public Dungeon

Razak's Wheel Public Dungeon location

Razak's Wheel Public Dungeon location

The Razak's Wheel Public Dungeon is located in the Bangkorai zone (base game). In this dungeon, you will move around in a circle, killing enemies and bosses.


There are humans, but also a lot of Dwarven Constructs enemies inside, making it not the best place for gold farming.


4. Spellscar

Spellscar location

Spellscar location

Spellscar is the ultimate Overland XP grind location. You can find it in the Craglorn zone (base game), just north of Blekarth.


Several groups are around this area, but there are also lots of players killing enemies here. This is an excellent place for XP farming but bad for gold making.


5. Leftwheal Trading Post Public Dungeon

Leftwheal Trading Post Public Dungeon location

Leftwheal Trading Post Public Dungeon location

You can find the Leftwheal Trading Post Public Dungeon in the West Weald zone (Gold Road DLC).


In the heart of this dungeon, you will find a large circular route with small routes inside it. There is a mix of enemies, some of them being humanoids who drop a decent amount of gold coins. You can also farm some bosses along the route for extra loot.


6. Sentinel Docks

Sentinel Docks location

Sentinel Docks location

Located in the Alik'r Desert zone (base game), the Sentinel Docks is an area full of zombies. You can farm for XP, gold coins, and Fleshfly Larva (alchemy material) in this area.


7. Verrant Morass

Verrant Morass location

Verrant Morass location

Verrant Morass is an Overland area in the Greenshade zone (base game). In this area, you can kill zombies for XP and gold coins, but you won't get alchemy materials.


8. The Vile Laboratory

The Vile Laboratory location

The Vile Laboratory location

The Vile Laboratory in the Coldharbour zone (base game) is a zombie-infested Overland area. You can obtain XP, gold coins, and Fleshfly Larva from this area.


9. Skyreach Catacombs

Skyreach Catacombs location

Skyreach Catacombs location

The Skyreach Catacombs is one of the best duo power-leveling spots in ESO. It is an instanced area that you can find in the Craglorn zone (base game).


This place offers a great circular route (ignore the rooms on the sides) with an Ancient Chest event at the center. Enemies don't respawn inside, so you need another player with you, which allows you to reset the instance after you clear it.


10. Blackrose Prison Arena

Blackrose Prison Arena location

Blackrose Prison Arena location

The Blackrose Prison Arena is a nother Ultimate XP grind spot in The Elder Scrolls Online. This area is located in the Murkmire zone (Murkmire DLC). This is the most efficient way to earn XP in the game right now, but you need to duo-farm the area.


For the maximum XP gains, you have to clear the first four rounds of the first arena in normal difficulty and then reset it and start again. Do not fight the last boss (round 5) of the first arena.



Each location offers its own unique perks for XP farming, from circular routes full of enemies to boss-killing opportunities for extra loot. Remember, some spots are better for gold-making, while others are all about that sweet XP.


So, grab your gear, stock up on potions, and head to these awesome spots to power-level your way to greatness in The Elder Scrolls Online!


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