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FFXIV Patch 4.0 Is Fully Released

作者: Helen Keller

Today FFXIV Stormblood is early accessed. As the best ffxiv gil selling website, Mmogah knows that tens of thousands of ffxiv fans can’t wait to experience the new patch gameplays, the new main scenario quests, new areas, new housing, new jobs and new improved battle system. So all ffxiv players should pay attention to choose your discipline wisely, and journey forth to explore lands unknown. With the addition of swimming and diving, extensive battle system adjustments, and myriad improvements to other pre-existing systems, there is much to see and more to do in the far reaches of Eorzea and beyond! Now, let’s see the main new patch introductions:

Playable Content


You all should know that players must progress through the main scenario quests introduced in patch 4.0 to access new areas. Once players log out in these new areas, they cannot log back in using a platform that has not registered Stormblood.


Myriad quests is introduced to Patch 4.0, in addition to the main scenario. As such, there may be cases where the patch notes only cite the initial quest in a series, or omit quests entirely to prevent spoilers. The official staff encourage players to explore and discover what new stories and adventures await.



A new experience points bonus system has been implemented for FATEs in 4.0 areas.

Grand and Free Companies:

New craftable items have been added to the Company Workshop.


By completing the quest, players will be able to teleport to the residential district directly via the Aethernet in Kugane. When entering Shirogane prior to completing certain main scenario quests, players will be unable to leave via gate entrances. In such cases, the official ask players please use Teleport or Return to leave the area.


Please note that players will only be able to visit the first ward of Shirogane upon the release of patch 4.0. The sale of plots and apartments will begin in a future update.


Battle System:

The level cap for all Disciples of War and Magic has been raised to 70. The samurai and red mage jobs have been added. These jobs have no corresponding classes and begin at level 50.

Two New Jobs:

Samurai (Role: DPS)


Red Mage (Role: DPS)



Substantial revisions have been made to the PvP system. The PvP system has undergone a number of significant changes including adjustments to character attributes, actions, and the introduction of PvP-specific UI elements. Please read below for further information.



Due to the volume of items added with the release of patch 4.0, they will not be listed in the patch notes.



A new market board has been added to Kugane. Reduced tax rates have been adjusted in accordance with the addition of a new market board.

From the above contents, you can see how awesome the new stormblood is. If you want to know more details, you can go to the official website. Are you ready to have a try? By the way, if you need more gil, Mmogah is just here waiting for you.


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