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Fortnite News & Guides
- How to Purchase Items for Fortnite STW at MmoGahWhen purchasing Fortnite items, you need to give us your Fortnite display name and Epic games email address. If you have different Epic games email addresses for different platforms, then give us the one of your PC platform, which is the easiest way for us to find you in game. Also, make sure your account automatically accepts friend requests. Following this instruction makes the trade faster and smoother.作者: Michel Z
- Six Advanced Building Tips & Tricks You Need To Learn! - Fortnite Battle RoyaleNow, let our MmoGah shows you six advanced building tips and tricks in Fortnie: battle royale, which you should definitely learn and incorporate into your game. These will be much advanced techniques that you’ll need to practice perfectly. The order of the tips will be from simplest to hardest.作者: Bmichaellogan
- Fortnite: Save the World Leveling Tips and Tricks for New Players & Beginners Since the Fortnite comes into the market, there are more and more players joining the team to play the game. However, for new players, how to play it well is a big problem. Now, our MmoGah will give some suggestions about how to level for new beginners. Read this article carefully to search more useful information for you.作者: Bmichaellogan
- Twine Peaks Balancing Adjustments Coming to Fortnite: Save The World v8.50In the April 8th, 2019 Fortnite : Save The World roadmap, Epic Games mentioned that adjustments would be coming to the top-end of Twine Peaks in the v8.50 patch. The v8.50 patch notes has been released in the April 25th, announcing these details that have been adjusted.作者: Mary Zheng
- New Double Boiler Shotgun in Fortnite: Save the WorldRecently, the newest Double Boiler shotgun has come to the Fortnite: save the world. This weapon is unique and popular among players. Today, let our MmoGah website introduce the specific functions, characteristics and usage of the weapon. You can read this article carefully to search more useful information to you.作者: Bmichaellogan
- Fortnite Removes Map Area with Apparent Suicide SceneAt the end of 2018, the Fortnite developer Epic Games has announced a new measure - permitting the player’s works appear in a small area. Called the block, it will usually rotate to show off fan creativity. On April 2, the area renovated to display a mansion, but which has been replaced recently with an older architecture - Tropical Treetops.作者: Mary Zheng
- 4 Best Assault Rifles in Fortnite: Save the World 2019The Salvaje Cartel’s video shows the best Assault rifles in Fortnite: Save the World as of early 2019. These assault rifles can be very consistent and flexible on multiple modes, heroes and situations! Most of all, you can easily get all these assault rifles and other Fortnite items.作者: Michel Z
- Best 3 Traps in Fortnite: Save the WorldFortnite traps are one of the core mechanics of the game, used for fort protection. This Rage Brothers’ video is about the best 3 traps with which you can do anything in the game if you have them. Traps can be found in the world, received as rewards, or crafted.作者: Michel Z
- Buy Fortnite Items at the Best Save the World Item ShopBuy Fortnite items for your Save the World needs on Grave digger, Nocturno... many other Fortnite weapons and Fortnite materials for extremely low prices. MmoGah is a legit place to buy Fortnite items. Use code: MMOGAHCOM on checkout and receive a 2% discount.作者: Michel Z