新闻 & 指南

Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire Is Live

作者: Cathy Deng



The Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire™ expansion is live! You can read the release notes here. Here MmoGah will share the ArenaNet streaming schedule for the week of September 25.


Streams for the Week of September 25



Sunday, September 24

Let’s Play Path of Fire (by AyinMaiden) (English)

Watch live at AyinMaiden.

9:00 PM Pacific Time (UTC-7)

Explore Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire™ with AyinMaiden!


Monday, September 25

Jebro Plays PvP PoF Builds (by Jebro) (English)

Watch live at JebroUnity.

2:00 PM Pacific Time (UTC-7)

Jebro tries out the scourge and holosmith elite specializations in PvP.


Tuesday, September 26

Jebro Plays PvP (by Jebro) (English)

Watch live at JebroUnity.

2:00 PM Pacific Time (UTC-7)

General PvP with Jebro.


Wednesday, September 27

GuildNews Podcast (by Sputti) (German)

Watch live at GuildNews.

10:00 AM Pacific Time (UTC-7)

The week in review with the GuildNews crew.



The Guild Wars 2 Art Show (by Pejntboks)(English)

Noon Pacific Time (UTC-7)

Rebroadcast: Mount up! Pejntboks will draw her character atop one of the new raptor mounts you’ll find in Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire. You can also find all the previously created artworks on the Guild Wars 2 Art Show Flickr Album.


Friday, September 29

PvP (by JoinJess) (English)

Watch live at JoinJess.

11:00 AM Pacific Time (UTC-7)

Join Jess for some PvP fun.


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