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New Shiny Pokemon and More PokeStops Are Coming

作者: Shirley Huang

In a recent interview K-Tai Watch (a Japanese news outlet), Niantic Japanese staff has revealed (via Translation) that the whole team is working on "a huge event for this summer", the next update will be a potential big change. It's possible that Niantic could be using a Big Event to promote and launch news "cooperative social gameplay experiences".

Today would like to share the good news that from Pokemon GO Hub.

"We’ve received a lot of reports via Twitter and e-mail that the mechanics of wild Pokemon encounters have changed dramatically, most likely in preparation of the release of Shiny Pokemon.

Trainers have reported that wild Pokemon no longer have the same core stats for every player that encounters them. The following stats are unique for per player and determined for his level on entering the encounter."







The Pokemon Go Easter Event would be considered a success for most Trainers, providing worthwhile bonuses and increasing many Pokedexes. Trainers found that multiple players have been catching the same Pocket Monsters that have different individual values (IVs) and moves from each other.

In the past, if you were to encounter a wild Dragonite with 90% IV, other players next to you would still catch a 90% IV Dragonite, regardless of their levels. Each individual Pokemon had the same stats and moves for every player that encountered them. The only change was combat power, which was typical for higher level players.

But now the same Dragonite shows completely different IV's, moves and core stats, depending on the level of the trainers. This is in line with Shiny Pokemon, whose function in a similar fashion.

"In Generation Two, Shininess is determined by a pokemon’s IV. If a Pokemon's Speed, Defense, and Special IV are all 10, and its Attack IV is 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14 or 15, it will be Shiny."

Because of this change, the Pokemon Go Hub believes the introduction of more Shiny Pokemons could be imminent.


Operation Portal Recon (OPR) Tool and More PokeStops

Pokemon Go has revealed a huge update to the game that will have a massive impact on the number of PokeStops around the world.

Operation Portal Recon (OPR) Tool for fellow AR game Ingress has launched in Brazil and Korea.

OPR Tool is designed to let Ingress players submit new portal requests, and Niantic has been using OPR Tool to create new portals in Ingress and new PokeStops in Pokemon Go.

However, Pokemon Go players can use the real world location data for their games, which will have a significant impact on future Pokestops. They have benefited from the addition of 9000 new Pokestops. In addition, we know Pokemon can spawn more often near PokeStops, which makes it easier to find them. It will be good news for anyone visiting either Brazil or Korea who might be hoping to catch one of the two regions, exclusive of Pokemon, Heracross and Farfetch'd.


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