新闻 & 指南

MmoGah Reminds You to Be Aware of Scammers

作者: Alice Fu

There was a dispute on the popular game forum EpicNPC between sorss and us. It turned out that sorss had been cheated by a scammer, who had impersonated us both on EpicNPC and Discord. We feel so sorry for it.


Our username on Epicnpc is happysnow. This is our only account that was registered on Oct. 28, 2007. However, the scammer used a similar username happysnow”store”.

mmogah epic account


The scammer had impersonated our Avator, Username and Profile Link on Epicnpc, scammed sorss both on EpicNPC and Discord, making sorss suffer a loss and misunderstand us. We have never used Discord as our customer service tool. We are angry at the scammer since we have a good reputation as a professional seller and verified user on EpicNPC.


You can see more details of this issue by checking the EpicNPC Dispute thread:


As soon as we got the information, we investigated this issue. We proved that happysnow”store” was a scammer and we reported him to Discord administrator for a ban instantly and we also made a statement in our all EpicNPC threads to prevent our customers from being deceived.


we do not use discord


For example:


In the dispute thread, lilgoo_ had supported us by sharing the screenshot, which can prove happysnow”store” was a real scammer. Furthermore, Angel, the moderator middleman of EpicNPC, had proven happysnow”store” was a real scammer too. We highly appreciate what lilgoo_ and Angel have done.


player screenshot to prove the spammer



moderator epicnpc


Please everyone be aware of scammers. Pay particular attention to the time they registered (many scammers register for new accounts). If you think it’s us, be sure to visit our website MmoGah to contact us via Live Chat or send us email to Do not trade with any suspicious scammer before verifying with us. In the meantime, you should also pay attention to those suspicious usernames, which look like identical same as those of well-known websites.


Hope sorss can trust us anyway. Please get more knowledge of MMOGAH by checking our Trustpilot , Bizrate and our Review page.


Be aware of these scammers who use a variety of tricks. To prove if he is a scammer, you have to ask him to contact you via original account, or you can contact the seller on official site, otherwise, you do not trade.


MmoGah, as a trustworthy online gaming shop, never spam and cheat customers. We will try to make each customer satisfied by providing the top quality services continually.







