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Where to Find Skill Fruit Trees in Palworld

作者: Michel Z

In Palworld, Pals can consume Skill Fruits to learn new skills. These fruits grow on glowing, bare Skill Fruit Trees. If you want to find Skill Fruits and teach them to your favorite Pals in Palworld, you've come to the right place, as TagBackTV is showing you all the Skill Fruit Tree locations he has found in the game.



Palworld Skills

Skill Fruits are one of the two ways to teach your Pals new skills. These fruits can be handed to your Pals to teach them new skills. Each Skill Fruit has a specific element type, meaning the active skill a player wants to teach their Pal can be done only through a particular Skill Fruit.


Same-Type Attack Bonus (STAB)

Once you have a Skill Fruit, you can right-click on it and then select which Pal to teach. In Palworld, you have the freedom to equip your Pals with any skills. But note that there is a STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus), a small bonus to attack damage if your Pal shares a type with that attack. For example, a Fire Pal will deal more damage with a fire attack than a Pal of a different type using the same attack. The community has calculated this bonus to be about 20%. 


CT (Cooldown Time)

Every skill has a CT number, which stands for Cooldown Time. For example, the CT of the Dark Laser skill is 55, meaning it will take 55 seconds before your Pal can use it again.


Palworld Skill Fruit Tree Locations

The game has many Skill Fruit Trees, and the fruits respawn every six to eight hours. Any fruit tree can generate any type of Skill Fruit, and every tree contains three pieces of fruit. However, Skill Fruit Trees, located in the initial stages of the game, have a lower chance of generating epic fruits. That means if you move towards the northern parts of the game, your chances of getting epic fruits increase.


No. 1

Palworld skill fruit tree location 1

The first tree is located southeast of the fast travel point called Sealed Realm of the Swift, near the lava zone.


No. 2

Palworld skill fruit tree location 2

The second tree is on a cliff, which is located northwest of the Plateau of Beginners fast travel point.


No. 3

Palworld skill fruit tree location 3

The third tree can be found west of the Small Settlement fast travel point.


No. 4

Palworld skill fruit tree location 4

The fourth tree is located on a cliff northeast of the Small Cove fast travel point.


No. 5

Palworld skill fruit tree location 5

The fifth tree is under the Mount Obsidian Anubis Statue, and you need to wear heat-resistant armor to loot the tree there.


No. 6

Palworld skill fruit tree location 6

The sixth tree is on the big plateau located west of the Investigator's Fork fast travel point.


No. 7

Palworld skill fruit tree location 7

The seventh tree is in a hole near the Forgotten Island Church Ruins fast travel point.


No. 8

Palworld skill fruit tree location 8

The eighth tree is at a big fortress, which is located southwest of the fast travel point called Ruined Fortress City.


No. 9

Palworld skill fruit tree location 9

To find the ninth tree, you need to reach the Mount Flopie Summit fast travel point and head northeast. Avoid the Beeguards near the tree, as they will employ their self-destruct ability, which might be a nightmare for you.


No. 10

Palworld skill fruit tree location 10

The tenth tree is located northeast of the Sealed Realm of the Guardian fast travel point. This tree is often surrounded by some Free Pal Alliance Devouts, so you have to kill them before looting the tree.


No. 11

Palworld skill fruit tree location 11

The next tree is under a rock southwest of the Marsh Island Church Ruins fast travel point.


No. 12

Palworld skill fruit tree location 12

Start from the Sand Dunes Entrance fast travel point and head north. On the top of a plateau, you will find a Skill Fruit Tree. 


No. 13

Palworld skill fruit tree location 13

On the top of the plateau, which is located north of the Duneshelter fast travel point, there is also a Skill Fruit Tree. 


No. 14

Palworld skill fruit tree location 14

If you head southwest from the thirteenth position and cross the water, you will find another tree on the top of a big Plateau.


No. 15

Palworld skill fruit tree location 15

The fifteenth Skill Fruit Tree is in a snowy area of the north, and the nearest fast travel point to it is the PAL Genetic Research Unit Tower Entrance.


Two Extra Trees

There are another two fruit tree locations that TagBackTV didn't mention in the video, but players shared information about them in the comments.


No. 16

Palworld skill fruit tree location 16

The sixteenth tree is located northeast of the Acentic Falls fast travel point, next to the water.


No. 17

Palworld skill fruit tree location 17

To find the seventeenth tree, head southwest across the water from Mount Flopie Summit fast travel point. Another fast travel point nearby is the Lake Center.


Those are the Skill Fruit Trees that TagBackTV has found in Palworld. If you have any additional locations to share, please feel free to leave a comment and share the information with other players. 


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