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5 Great Tier Builds in Path of Exile

作者: Leo Jiang

As an MMORPG, Path of Exile is quite something that makes players get obsessive over its little details. PoE’s greatest advantage is perhaps what defines its hardcore fan base, with a level of detail and need for perfection is rare to the most detailed of games.


The level of detail goes into the character builds that take in PoE, where is the most interesting in the gameplay. Since you need to build completely right, even to the PoE items that are meant to make the raw build to become powerful. The first choice for making powerful gears is the exalted orb. If you're involved in the level of detail-oriented gameplay, these five tier builds should interest you.

Elemental Buzzsaw Scion

If you want to play a tiered build that doesn't need to have big PoE currency to cost, then you can get this one for the Scion. 5 auras form the backbone of this build, a character will be a benefit to any party. But if the player wants to play alone, this build can make end-game bosses head on with this Scion. Its name is not for show, it is really a buzz saw.


Aura-based Lightning Arrow Scion

The Lightning Arrow Ranger is one of the easiest builds to pull off in PoE due to not being gear-dependent and friendly. But if you want to take Lightning Arrow to the next level, then get a Scion and slap on some auras to improve the effectiveness. Not only can it be tanky and beefy, but also Voltaxic makes resistant to elemental reflect enemies, so it's available for the end-game.


Cast on Critical / Ethereal Knives / Discharger Witch

The Witch is treated as the best class for farming due to her AoE damage. But if you want something that takes hits and hits hard too, then this build is what you need. High DPS and good survivability have this Witch build a balance previously unheard of in this class, which makes it available for any league and for whatever purpose.

Chaos Inoculation Immortal Scion

The power of Chaos Inoculation is still there, and the builds are still being used today. This special build is about survival, as proved by the name. Being immune to physical and elemental resist, as well as having a good defense doesn't hurt its case at all.


God-Tank Marauder

As the name describes, this is the meatiest of the meaty tank builds that you may meet in the game. Certainly, it is a Marauder build, but it has very decent DPS when combined with good gear while still being about the defense. You can go to any map mod when you get a tank and do way better than just being a sitting duck. For more poe news, you should visit Just a reminder: you can get 2% coupon code for free from the reps if you place an order from this article.

