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Breach Mechanics in Path of Exile

作者: Leo Jiang

Now that players of all skill levels have enough time to get better acquainted with Path of Exile’s Breach League, now we have enough perspective to talk about in an analytical context. Some have a guarded approach to the new content- The Fall of Oriath, but the more optimistic players are simply looking forward to new Path of Exile Items, bosses, and challenges.


It is useful for starters if the developers add an indicator as to the type of Breach you’re about to enter, as well as giving some information about density before opening and entering it. The indicator does not need an explicit statement, rather fog pattern, a splash of color, or visual cue is enough. It is something that very helpful for budgeting time and resources, and also an in-game timer shows the length of time spent inside the Breach.

Visually, there are a lot of colors and actions. This makes the encounters feel very overwhelming. Engaging the enemies feels like a hectic blur of purple swirling within the Breach League, and it’s difficult to tell whether your character’s attacks are meaningful by doing any damage until the mobs start to release splinters. You can store some poe exalted orbs for leveling equipment attribute.


Although entertaining to say the least, the large Breachlords can be hidden in the midst of all the purple haze, which can be confused. Players find that these bosses are difficult to identify without first defeating and eliminating lesser enemies, or hovering the cursor over the sprite to see the Breachlord’s life bar. If the developers implement a sound effect or even a short musical tone to alert the arrival of a Breachlord, this might make them more apparently.


For many players, the encounters take place in the Breach League feel too similar and repetitive. In order to take things even further, a more obvious and dramatic visual cue, would give these bosses the attention they deserve, such as having the other monsters surround a Breachlord scatter. Vortexes come up a lot, which does not do these players any favors. In Melee builds, players who have invested a lot of energy and time may feel that there needs to be more variety in Rares.

So far another area of concern has been the difficulty that players have with Chests. Chests are unnecessarily frustrating to open, while, as you know, solving this problem is actually quite easy to implement. If standing or walking over them simply could result in opening them automatically, it would make PoE Currency less of an impediment to actual progress. Also, on-screen indicators pointing to chests that have been revealed would be useful, and helping the less agile builds to get the right spot.


Making the Chests immune or unresponsive to the toggle highlight key (Z) can eliminate clutter from the screen, isolate the Chests further, and help players access them more easily. If you want to know more poe news, please visit MmoGah.

