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Can You Share Something about Critical Rain of Arrows Shadow in PoE

作者: Leo Jiang

Whenever Players look for optimal builds that are affordable and easy to play for the first character in Path of Exile. It is essential for lots of players as they may want to try out the game without having to trudge through being too weak to all the facts through and having to grind more than what's necessary.


PoE items are harder to get during the start journey, so buying safe poe items to go along with the need for easing the player is important. In view of this, some of the best builds are well-known among the online communities. The best method for saving more time in grinding is buying PoE Currency and you can make use of remaining time for your builds. It's equal enough to say that the Ranger seems to be a very good character class to start with, and the Lightning Arrow Frenzy Ranger is the best build to make.

But with the open-ended nature of this character progression, it's suspected that it's the only way available. Before players get the Lightning Arrow skill in PoE, you can have the Rain of Arrows active skill, and it would shape up to be an effective way of killing enemies at once. It should be said that it's not only in PoE, but you can see Rain of Arrows shine in the late game too if you know what you're doing. If you find your facility cannot meet your requirement, I suggest you should consider buying some exalted orbs from a safe and reliable website.


In order to make Rain of Arrows more effective, Critical Strike Chance can be raised a bit to guarantee a hard hit to enemies with every shot. This is where this build comes in, using the Shadow character class and with minimal of a need for premium PoE equipment and a fun way to play at any time. You can get high armor rating and 200%+ health for survivability, as well as a DPS over 10,000 damage and good crit rating.


All precondition of this build is centered at Kaom's Heart for tons of health, a 6-linked bow with necessary gems like Life Leech to stay alive longer, and alleviating the problem with mana by using mana drainer and crit. Most of the target equipment for this character build needs are within reach for players who focus on building up their character.

Take note that you should use a Shadow for this, so take care of any similarities and contrasts with the Ranger. Considering this, you should focus on promoting the defensive stats, with an end goal of getting up to +600 Armour, +1600 HP, +180 Evasion, +200 Energy Shield, and +150% Resistance to all elements. Based on this, you can work on the offensive side of things.


Rain of Arrows would be the ideal combination of gems for a 6-linked weapon, Concentrated Effect, Physical Projectile Attack Damage, Life Leech, Added Fire Damage, and Faster Attack. As regards all other details, you can find guides from MmoGah or internet, but remember the whole premise of this build as a good player build for the first time is looking to get serious in PoE. For more poe news, you should visit Just a reminder: you can get 2% coupon code for free from the reps if you place an order from this article.

