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Path of Exile News & Guides
- PoE Leveling Guide 3.25: How to Level up Fast for AtlasWith the removal of Teachings Scarab for Shrines, Solo leveling up became much harder. In this post, I'm showcasing possible ways to speed up the leveling process while maximizing Exp with New Shrines, Breach, Delirium, and Beyond to gain more experience on average while not spending too much currency.作者: Nancy G
- How to Level Up Your Path of Exile Class Faster to Start Farming End GameThere are specific ways to upgrade your character level; keep in mind there is no fast or quick way to reach the maximum level required to start the endgame. In this guide, we will tell you about the most effective ways that can be a head start for you to level up your character.作者: Pen Slingers
- Path of Exile: The Boss Maven Guide - How to Kill The MavenOne of the bosses you will encounter along your journey will be The Maven, an end-game boss you can find after obtaining "The Maven Writ" and opening it on the map device. You can obtain it by fighting bosses on the Mavens Crucible.作者: Pen Slingers
- Path of Exile: 200M+ DPS Inquisitor Spark Aura Stacker Guide - How to Scale Aura Stacker DamageDear exiles, today I'm going to talk about the 200M DPS spark inquisitor and how stackers get all their damage. You can subscribe to KobeBlackMamba’s channel if you want to view the original video for more details.作者: Nancy G