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PoE 1 Legacy of Phrecia Event Guide – the Endgame System

作者: Nancy G

The upcoming Legacy of Phrecia event introduces a new and exciting endgame system in Path of Exile 1, replacing the traditional Atlas Passive Skill Tree with the Idol Endgame System. Furthermore, it replaces all 19 existing Ascendancies with brand-new versions.


 PoE 1 Legacy of Phrecia Event Guide pic


New Endgame System

  • Relic Board for customizing your endgame mapping experience
  • Idols drop in endgame maps
  • Have combos of atlas tree passive effects to modify mechanics or add bonuses/things to your maps
  • Unique idols to act as keystone effects (Major tradeoffs)
  • Aside: Quite probably a test for potential PoE 2 endgame ideas (Could be a cool addition to PoE2!)


Replaces Current Endgame Atlas Trees

  • In its best state ever imo, very popular overall.
  • Allows for great customization at all stages of endgame progression.
  • Smooth progression, get a point on basically every map.


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My Opinions

         - Instead of a point-by-point progression for each of your strategies, bursty or drop RNG-based (or trade RNG) progression.

  • Added Cost to Core Progression

         - If droprate is low and good ones are rare, that's a major added expense to setting up.

         - If they drop like candy: laborious identification and management of stash, etc

         - Upside: new loot to ID and sell.

         - We don't balance around SSF, but still, real rough for SSF.

  • Tons of Trading For Core Progression

         - Reminiscent of Necropolis mass trading?

  • Respeccing

         - They mention not having to respec trees - searching for a loadout of Idols in your stash or on trade is going to be far more laborious.

  • Power

         - Modifiers shown vs board space does not seem to equal a full atlas tree.

         - Higher focus potential power on specific effects will = broken strats for sure.

         - The average board feels like it'd be way less impactful and interesting for the average player.

  • Difficulty Experimenting and Juggling Multiple League Mechanics

         - 3/4 Mechanics together, likely mixed across different relics.

         - Seems difficult to buy/find

         - Want to change 1 mechanic from your strategy? Locked into mixed relics

         - Far more difficult to experiment with league mechanics.

  • Hopium

         - More not-shown mods are very powerful - the legion one gives me hope 50% vs 16% notables from tree

         - Those are mostly single slots, and multi slots are pog?

         - New effects not on trees that are interesting

         - The test shows it's a cool system but not a replacement for the atlas tree. Could it be a good PoE 2 addition?


Happy hunting in the Legacy of Phrecia event! If you have any specific questions or need further details, feel free to ask.
